Chapter 18

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I woke up on the rug the next morning to the curtains being opened, my body sore from sleeping on the floor.

"Good morning, how'd you sleep?" Michelle asked.

"Fine," I said, holding my head between my hands.

"Coffee?" Michelle offered. I looked up and she had the coffee maker already going, the smell growing stronger as I inhaled its magical scent.

It had been officially 24 hours of being in this cabin with her. I had to get out.

"Could I come to the table?" I asked, trying to be as nice as possible.

"Of course, if you promise to be good I'll let you free of the cuffs, since your wrists are still hurt. My heart sailed, it was exactly what I wanted.

"Yes that would be great," I said. Michelle came over and unlocked my ankle. I stood up slowly and stretched my body. I couldn't give away my plans, so I walked over to the table and sat down obediently.

"I think I'll make some eggs for us, does that sound alright?" Michelle asked turning away from me.

"I could put some bread in the toaster to go with it," I offered. Michelle nodded, so I got up slowly and headed for the cabinets. I took mental notes of my options as I moved through the kitchen. The utensils drawer where the knives were was locked and the keys to the front door were in Michelle's sweatpants.

"The butter is in the fridge," Michelle said, jolting me from staring at her pants.

"Thanks," I said. I put the first pieces of bread in and got some plates out.

"Could you unlock the drawer? I need a knife to butter the toast," I said.

"Of course, just give me one second," Michelle responded. I watched her closely as she pulled the keys out and unlocked the drawer. She handed me a butter knife, one that was small and wouldn't do any damage. I took it with a smile and thank you and turned back towards the toaster.

Once we had our breakfast at the table, Michelle asked if I wanted to do anything in particular that day.

"Could we go down to the lake? It looks so beautiful from the windows," I said hopeful.

"Maybe tomorrow," she said. I sighed and looked around the cabin. There wasn't much to do.

"Could we watch the news?" I asked, maybe there would be something about me on it.

"Why? That's so depressing," Michelle replied.

"We could have a repeat of last night," she said, leaning over towards me.

"Oh, umm let's play a game?" I said trying to distract her. Memories of the night before surfacing and causing a slight panic in my voice.

"What kind of game?" She asked intrigued.

I let out a sigh of relief and said, "Did you bring any board games or cards?"

"No I didn't," Michelle said, "next time I go to the store I'll get us some cards."

"Okay, how about a question game? Like we used to play when we first started dating," I said.

"A question game? Okay, I'll go first!" Michelle said excited.

"What's your favorite thing about me?" She asked.

"Oh, probably your cooking," I said honestly.

She nodded, "Your turn."

"If you were stranded on an island, what one thing would you bring with you?" I asked.

"You silly, so at least we could be together," I tried to smile at her answer, but the idea of being stuck on an island stressed me out even more than the current predicament.

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