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"Bored!" Cried John,"there is nothing to do!" He halted, realising how much like Sherlock he was starting to sound. Sherlock, meanwhile, was sat crouched like a vulture in his arm chair, fingers steepled under his chin and eyes glazed over in a away that could only mean he was in his mind palace. He had been like this for hours, since before John woke up and well into what was now evening. John had sat patiently by his flatmate's side, not wanting to leave him unaccompanied but desperately needing some form of entertainment.

John finally decided, a good half hour later, to update his blog. Logging on he noted he had another 50 views and many comments about their last adventure. It has been a rather boring adventure but with John's writing skills the audience was enthralled. John rapped glumly at the keyboard, looking for inspiration. His eyes wandered the flat: skully, kitchen, Sherlock, door, smiley, window, chair, rug, bookshelf, kitchen, sherlock, books, Sherlock, armcha- Sherlock! John chuckled evilly before dashing up from his chair.

Hours later, John's work was complete. Sherlock had laid obliviously through the whole ordeal (though John had still tried to keep quiet and still around him) and the results were fabulous!

A series of 5 photos of the flat were now being loaded from his camera phone and into the laptop...

Sherlock covered in Christmas lights with antlers sticking up from his curly hair. A wobbly Santa was taped to his shoulder and cotton wool was sewn together and attached to his chin. Festive fun!

Skully perched upon Sherlock's head, John beaming next to him in a weak attempt at a selfie. This frame was skewered but somehow it made it seem all the more endearing.

Sherlock wrapped in tonnes of blankets, just a small pile of curls poking from the top of the heap.

Sherlock with a bedsheet Strewn behind him, positioned to look just like angel wings. A loop of liquorice pencils (a random gift from a few years back, left uneaten and unwanted in the cupboards) all stuck together with pva glue forming a sticky, sugary halo.

Finally, just the two of them. Sherlock, looking slightly to the side of the camera, still in his mind palace, frozen like the picture itself. John crouched next to him, taking the photo, smiling at his flatmate's lovingly.

He posted all these captioning them: "Sociable, this one".

Within minutes his comments had blown up and he had received thousands of views!
"Well sitting through all that was worth it I suppose?" Sherlock mused from his chair. John leapt our of his skin in fright and turned to his smirking flatmate.
"You were in your mind palace!"
"No, I was in my armchair, posing in all your photos!" Chuckled Sherlock.

John remained a deep shade of 'embarrassment red' even after dinner.

Let's just say that Sherlock never let him forget that day.

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