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It was a very lazy Monday afternoon in the winter holidays. No cases. No experiments. Not even crap telly! Sherlock, unsurprisingly, was bored.
"Bored, John!"
"I know,"
"I'm bored, there's nothing to do!"
"You've said,"
"Are you sure there aren't any cases?"
"Not even a five?"
"What about that crap show you watch?"
"Finished it,"
"We just had it Sherly,"
"Bored!" With a final yell Sherlock rose from his chair and began pacing back and forth across their small front room.
"Well what do you want me to do about it, Sherly? please I'm trying to read the papers!" John whined but he knew his complaints were pointless; there was no stopping Sherlock Holmes.
"Papers!" Sherlock yelled triumphantly, snatching 'The Times' from next to John, "Brilliant, John!" He smiled before curling up on his chair once again, but this time clutching a newspaper.

He skip read over the headlines:
Fashion fails of the week
Murder mystery solved yet again!
Drunken night out for UK
Christmas Gifts - The dos And Donts
Sherlock Holmes And John Watson
"There's something about us in here," chuckled Sherlock, immediately flicking to that page (and taking note to read the one about the murder next).

Sherlock Holmes
Is the famous detective Gay?
Sherlock Holmes, a man famous for his genius crime solving and terrible social skills, seems to show absolutely no interest in dating anybody! This is not surprising, the famous sociopath constantly reminds us he has no feelings!
But is this indifference to female attention actually hiding something else? Everyone knows of his closeness with his one and only friend,
"I have three actually,"
John Watson, And no one can deny the tension between them! So, that raises the question: is Britain's most famous detective not as unfeeling as we first thought?

"It must be so nice being this oblivious," Sherlock chuckled to himself.
"What's it all about then?" John asked, now also curious as to what his flat mate found so amusing.
"The general public's detecting skills, John," Sherlock laughed back, eyes creasing slightly at the edges.
"What does it say," John asked and stood from his chair to peer over his detective's shoulder, "Oh... right,"
"It only took them three years to figure it out!"
"Wait what?!" John stepped back, now very confused. The detective frowned at his friend, "isn't it obvious?" He asked. Sherlock knew He was clever. Sherlock knew almost everyone else was stupid. He didn't think everyone was that stupid though!
"You're gay?"
"I thought it was obvious,"
"How is it obvious? You show no interest in anyone outside of crime solving... I presumed that you were just not interested!"
"So Moriarty pretended to be gay just for the hell of it?"
"And I knew what brand of underwear is popular amongst gay men because I needed that for crime solving?"
"I thought you were flirting because I'm supposedly oblivious to romance?"
"I wasn't flirting I'm strai-"
"And I was jealous of all your girlfriends, being extra rude to each and every one of them more so than I am to every one else because I just felt like it?"
"Wait! Sherly what are you saying?"
"I'm saying... I'm gay... I like men. More specifically ex-army doctors who think moustaches are cool and drink more tea than is humanly possible." Sherlock breathed this all out in one breathe, slowly turning a deeper shade of pink as he went on. John stood over his friend mouth agape and wide eyed. Sherlock suddenly looked very vulnerable - his face was still void of emotion but his eyes gave him away - darting back and forth over John's face as if searching for his answer, and watering only slightly in preparation for the expected heart break.
"You... you like me?"
"Of course I like you John... you are perfect in all manner of the word and you were the first person to actually," Sherlock's voice broke slightly as he struggled to admit his feelings (something he always insisted he didn't have) to his flat mate and best friend, "to actually try and talk to me like I'm not just some robot. You didn't spit in my face or insult me. You called me 'brilliant'. How could I not fall for that?" A Lone tear escaped from his eye, Sherlock refused to notice it, he refused to admit he felt emotion. For emotions are weak. He is not weak. Sherlock battled with himself, desperately needing to retreat to his mind palace but just as desperate to know John's reaction.
He hates you.
John, still speechless, shuffled over to his own chair and sat down with a thump.
He wants to leave you.

Saying that John was shocked is an understatement. The great Sherlock Homes, high functioning sociopath... cared for HIM?

He didn't care in the first place. He was just pretending. He hates you. They all hate you. They think you are a freak. You are a fr-

"I like you too." John turned to Sherlock, who was still a cute shade of crimson, "I know I always say I'm not gay but I think, I think I like you too,"
Sherlock's heart soared, and he couldn't help but grin like a kid, "you... do?"
"I do." John smiled, rising from his chair once again to curl against Sherlock in his chair,"ooh, shall we read that one about the murder next?"
"Sounds perfect,"

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