Chapter One

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Chapter One

3 Weeks Before.....

"Tyler get up we're gunna be late for school" My brother yelled, banging on my bedroom door

"I'm up god leave me alone Trent, I was probably up before you!!" I yelled back opening my door

"whatever just get ready so we can go please Ty" he replied walking down the hallway

Slamming my door I walk over to my wardrobe and start looking for my outfit, I've already done my hair and make up so not a lot left to do, I need to hurry though before he starts bitching again urgh brothers!

Anyway my names Tyler I'm 18 and a senior in highschool.

I live with just my brother since our parents died when we were both 10, we lived with our gran till we turned 18 and got our own place.

Me and my brother Trenton are twins, but because he was born 2 minutes before me he considers himself the oldest, I just let him carry on.

I'm finally ready for school, walking down the stairs I hear my brother talking to someone and straight away I know who it is. Turning the corner I was right.

"ADAM! Why are you always here and why are you eating my breakfast again you know Trent only puts bananas on my pancakes" I whined

Adam is my brothers best friend they have been friends since they were like 5 and of course he is annoying.

"Good morning beautiful, glad to see you haven't changed your whiney self over night" Adam replied

"Yeah yeah, now why are you eating my breakfast yet again?" I say walking over to sit on a stool at the breakfast bar

"well you wasn't ready so I thought I would eat it for you" he says winking at me and popping a bit of pancake in his mouth

i just roll my eyes deciding i would have some toast even though i was looking forward to those pancakes

Adam and Trent start laughing, yes there the school 'man-whore's' very proud sister right here note the sarcasm, they are both also on the football team which I am truthfully proud of.

I Put two pieces of bread in the toaster while Adam and Trent talk about there latest accomplishments of the school sluts.

Don't get me wrong I love my brother but seriously why can't he be a gentleman and not treat girls like complete shit even if they do throw themselves at him.

"Ty hurry up we've still got to pick Amy up before we even attempt to go to school" Trent called from the living room

Amy is my best friend and its just coincidence that she is Adams sister they're not twins though but Amy is in the same year as us at school she's only 10 months younger then Adam so she's 17. I've known Amy since I was about 3 that's how Adam and Trent met because of me and Amy.

"Yes Trent I'll just eat this in your car, how come Amy aint here anyway why have we got to pick her up?"

Adam said she was still asleep when he was leaving so left her

I grabbed my school bag and followed Adam and Trent out the front door, I jumped in the back of my brothers black Mustang V8 Convertible

It's a sunny day so only means one thing top down yay I love days like this.

Driving along listening to pink U and Ur Hand, love this song.

A few blocks away we pulled up to Amy and Adam's house, Trent beeped the horn

Amy came running out and jumped in the back of the car with me

"Hey babygirl missed you this morning at breakfast" I said to Amy when trent started driving again

"Yeah sorry I over slept" she replied

I nodded in response 

"come on girls stop talking I can't hear the stereo" Adam said smirking

"yeah okay turn it up then" Amy replied to her idiotic brother

Adam turned up the stereo and it just so happened to be some heavy metal shit my ears feel like there bleeding.

We arrived at school 10 minutes later..Thank god

We all got out, Adam and Trent walked off towards their group of friends and team

"see you at 3:15 Ty" Trent yelled across the parking lot I just waved

Me and Amy walked off to our friends, we found them round the back of the school on some abandoned stairs they all jumped up and we all walked into our home room laughing and talking about the weekend.

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