Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Songs for this chapter:
• New Year's Day - Taylor Swift

Chapter Thirty-Eight:

Lexi's POV

When I wake up the next morning, alone in bed in a room that I don't recognize, my first instinct it to freak out.

I can't remember anything that happened last night, not past when I started on my fourth drink of the night.

Oh God. Oh no. Where am I?

I'm freaking out now, looking down at my body to find that all I'm wearing is a plain black T-shirt.

I shoot up in bed, trying to figure out what my next move should be, but I keep drawing blanks.

Last night was a mess. I shouldn't have lashed out like that, and I'm not even that upset at Bryce. In some messed up part of my brain, I actually find it kind of sweet that he cared that much. It was immature of him but I don't want another fight between us, so I'm willing to get over it.

The fact that I have no memory of who possibly could have been here with me is scaring me. I can't help but to think that history may have repeated itself, and that maybe someone kidnapped me.

Another one of my first thoughts is the possibility that I lost my virginity drunk, now having no memory of the event.

I don't think I would ever forgive myself if that were the case, but I guess I can't undo it.

Not to mention that I still have no clue where I am.

My head is throbbing and I have the worst headache of my life, but I still crawl out of the warm bed, straightening the covers out after me.

Hoping to locate my own clothes, I scan the room, spotting them in a pile at the foot of the bed, along with my shoes.

Thrilled that I'm able to change out of this shirt and leave, I'm about to reach for my dress before I realize just how nice this room is.

It's very dark and all the furniture is black, but I enjoy that there's at least a constant colour scheme going. The walls are lined with bookshelves, all of them filled with novels, and right in front of me I find a complete collection of Jane Austen novels.

"Hey, Blossom. I'm sorry I left you. I went to get something for you headache," Bryce says, walking into the room with a glass of water and a bottle of pills.

At the sight of him I feel an intense wash of relief.

He's always coming to my rescue, and I'll never be able to pay him back for it.

"Bryce!" I exclaim, hurrying over to fling myself into his arms.

I wrap my arms tight around him, pressing my face against his naked chest. He sets down the glass and bottle onto his desk, using his hands now to hold me close.

"You're awfully excited to see me," he teases, and I look up at him, smiling.

His hair is a little messy from sleep, and it's super adorable. I want to run my hands through it but I resist the urge, instead explaining myself by saying, "When I woke up I was terrified because I can't remember last night much and I didn't know where I was. I thought I had drunkenly gone home with some random creep but I'm so glad it was you. Thank you so much."

His brows suddenly furrow, and I'm a bit confused.

"You don't remember any of last night?" he asks me, and I blink, shaking my head at him.

"No, why? Did something happen? Wait, did we—" I start, cutting myself off before I can finish the question.

Bryce's eyes widen at me and he raises his hands to cup my face, tracing his fingertips along my cheekbones.

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