Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Chapter Fifty-Seven:

Bryce's POV

I've never been happier in my whole entire fucking life.

I have the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful girl in the whole entire world asleep on my chest, and I'm so madly in love with her that it hurts.

Last night was the best night of my life. I finally worked up the courage to tell her that I love her, and to my surprise, she loves me back.

Not to mention that then she let me make love to her, which was the best feeling I've ever experienced, before she fell asleep curled up on my chest.

Of course, she woke up and I had to bullshit with her dad so that I could hog all her attention for the night, but what happened after that made me nearly cry.

"Will you be my girlfriend, Blossom? Officially?" I ask her, and she instantly clamps her hand across her mouth.

She hunches over and when I realize that she's crying, I freak out.

I have to reach for her chin again, tilting it back towards me, and she finally pulls her hands away from her face.

"What about college? What if we can't be together then?" she questions me, and I've already thought about how I'm going to answer that, knowing that she would surely ask.

"We still have four months, baby girl. We could do long-distance if we really have to. But, we still have the rest of high school to enjoy each other, so I don't see why we shouldn't be together right now," I tell her, and she starts cry harder.

"Yes, Bryce. I would love nothing more," she whispers to me, before climbing into my lap and kissing me hard.

The memory brings a tear to my own eyes.


Inconveniently, the tears don't stop, beginning to come a little faster.

When Blossom wakes up, I'm full on crying, and she shoots up in my lap to tilt my chin towards her.

"What's wrong, Bryce?" she asks me, worried, but I shake my head, wrapping her up in my arms and pulling her to my chest.

"I don't deserve you," I whisper to her, pressing my cheek to the side of her head.

She doesn't say anything, but she doesn't have to. Holding her like this is enough comfort to calm me down, and eventually the tears stop coming, thank God.

I've already been so open with her about nearly everything. She's the only one who I ever talk to about how I feel about what happened with my parents, and her and my dad are the only two people who know about my past of self harm; my mom doesn't even have any clue.

Carefully, she lays down on top of me so that her chest is pressed against mine, leaning her face to the side to stare at my arm. She traces a dainty finger along the lines of my tattoos, letting out a little content sigh.

"I love your tattoos so much. I know you think that I hate them, but I feel quite the opposite. They somehow make you even sexier; it's crazy. You have the best body too; it's not fair," she tells me, and I feel myself blushing.

I've never had trouble accepting compliments before, but from her, they mean so much more to me.

Before I even get a chance to reciprocate her kind words, she's sat up in my lap once again.

I sit up as well, just as she begins to say, "I'm your girlfriend now, huh?"

"Fuck yeah you are," I say, and she giggles, still the most beautiful sound that I've ever heard.

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