Chapter 27- Familia

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Here u go hoes. Next chapter is gonna be LONG so this one is a bit shorta


Caroline fucking Lux was in town? My town?

That crazy bitch was so up to something. I quickly put my phone back into my pocket and looked up at the ring, choosing to focus on something else rather than the growing unease that was spreading in my chest. Nikhil was covered in a fine layer of sweat, highlighting the muscles that were constantly flexing as he swung his fists. 

Mhmm, this was a good distraction. 

I exhaled the thought of Caroline and got back into the match, heart beating a little faster as Nikhil barely jumped out of the way of a solar plexus aimed kick. 


Cameron and Jayce erupted in laughter behind me, but I kept saying the first things that came into my head. Cheering had never really been my strong suit- whereas, roasting definitely was. 


I placed my hands on the sides of my mouth, jumping as I screamed. 


Um. What.

Jayce was on the floor next to me, choking as he laughed. Nikhil weaved out of the way of a hard left hook and swung his leg out low, toppling Damien to the ground. I screamed in pure bloody rage as he did so, trying to fuel the Russian Bear as he grappled Damien, freeing a single fist and whaling down on his face so hard and so brutal, the referee winced. 

I laughed maniacally, shouting when the referee stopped the attack, rendering Nikhil the winner. Nikky stood, blood dripping from his wrapped hands, his chest heaving as he searched the audience. The ref came to his side and grabbed his fist, flinging it in the air. 


Our boys yelled their pride and support, filling the hall with cries of happiness and general bloodthirst. I smiled widely, grabbing Nikhil's towel and a bottle of water, and walked to the elevated ring. He jumped the rope barriers and landed next to me smelling of sweat and the metallic tang of blood. I put the towel around his shoulders and pulled him to a chair, forcing him to sit. 

"You did so well Nikky, so fucking well."

The boys crowded us but I fed him his water then grabbed his wrapped hands. The navy blue wrappings were now black, soaked in Damien's blood. I carefully undid the wraps and took the towel to wipe off the blood on his hands. He stilled at my touch, no doubt tired from the match, and I stood between his legs, his face nearly level with mine. 

The man was so big. And not just his friend, but like everything. It's like he was born and built like a marble statue, every single workout just chipping away at the muscle already there. His thighs and calves were massive and they caged me in on either side. Nikhil leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees as he peered up at me from beneath his sweaty curls. 

"Are you scared of me Circe?" 

Never C. Never Little C. Always Circe. A small smile came on my face as I stared at him, vaguely noticing the way my heart beat when he looked at me. It was like I was the only person in the room at that moment. His words played in my head, and I thought. There were things I was definitely afraid of- Caroline and whatever the fuck she was doing here, How to deal with Barnabas, Generally becoming an adult- but I knew the man in front of me was as dangerous as a condom. As in 99% safe, and only dangerous if I was being an idiot. 

"Never, Nikky. Never, ever, ever."


Maria's door was covered in paint, and I didn't know if that was even allowed on school property. I knocked hard, knowing the mute girl would hear me even if she was watching game of thrones at a deafening volume. 

The door opened, a bit creepily too, and Maria popped in front of me, her big eyes staring into mine. She was holding a bowl of popcorn and offered some to me, but I shook my head. I walked into her room, marvelling at the...blandness of it all. 

Her room was undecorated. There was nothing but beige and cream. I felt wrong for wearing yellow in this boring-ass room. 

"Your room is boring as shit, M."

A silent smile made its way onto her face and she pulled out her phone, ready to type out her replies on notes like she always did. 

Wassup C?

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I'm just going to say it. Why were you talking to my ex-stepmom? Caroline Lux?"

She stilled completely, the white of her hair making her seem a bit more ghost-like when she stood unnaturally this still. 

Her thumbs swiftly typed out another message. 

Promise you won't jump to conclusions? 

I nodded. "I just really want to know. That bitch hates me."

The corner of her mouth lifted in an ironic smile before she took a deep breath and wrote another message. Then she narrowed her eyes at me, holding her phone close to her chest. 

I rolled my eyes. "You've walked in on me watching weird ass porn more times than I would like. I won't judge you."

She sighed, the gesture weird since there was no sound. 

Caroline is my biological mother. 

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