Chapter 28 - Hot Girl Summer

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Megan thee Stallion -give her the PHATTEST listen if u wanna feel like a bad bitch 

I've been AWOL these past few months because general, my life has been a shit followed by rainbows kinda time. Yall get it. 


My eyes were so wide, I felt like I would be able to see the future. The brief glimpse I got didn't look too bright with the way things were going.

"You're that demon woman's daughter?"  I wonder what had been sacrificed to Satan in order for that ham-sandwich of a woman to have an actual child. 

Maria grimaced and nodded, gesturing for me to sit down. I plonked down onto her desk chair, mind still reeling. I mean, logically, you could tell. The white-blonde hair, the nose, the face shape. To be honest, I was a dumb fuck for not even questioning or noticing the similarities. Sure, piecing together that my best friend was the REAL daughter of my estranged adopted not-mother anymore is at the very least difficult, but to not even have seen a type of resemblence?

I really do drink too much dumb bitch juice. 

Hell, even the way she ate sometimes was similar to the wife of Satan. Maria's hands invaded my glazed over vision, snapping to get my attention. She made a hand rolling movement and I sighed, a hand over my heart. 

"There's more?"

She nodded solemnly. Breath escaped her nostrils as she exhaled, no doubt wondering where to start on whatever hell-trip her keypad was about to take me on. She pulled out her phone and started typing furiously, my stomach rolling as the seconds wound on. 

Then, the phone was suddenly in front of my face. I almost didn't want to read whatever it said. 

"Real hot girl shit, I guess." I muttered as I took the phone from her hand. 

I wanted to tell you. But Caroline threatened to have me kicked out if I did. She wanted me to spy on you since she thinks you're here to find out the truth about your mother and take Carlisle's fortune. 

"You're a spy?"

A mildly amused look entered her eyes as she waved me off, her small smile turning into one of genuine disgust. 

I knew that look well enough. It said, for that bitch? Hell no. 

Maria took the phone back from me with gentle fingers, and it was only then that I realized I was squeezing her phone a bit too hard. Huh. It seemed I wasn't taking this information as easily as I thought I was. 

She typed quickly again and pushed the phone over to me. 

I wanted to be your friend because you're you Circe. I'm really not spying on you. I don't have the attention span for that. 

Well, the girl was honest, I'd give her that. And she'd already answered the familiar insecurity that had began to creep along my spine. It started unwinding to go back to where it came from. Maria ran a hand through her big white curls of hair, sighing silently. It looked like her life was a shit show too. 

I'm not going to tell Caroline anything about you. I'm just gonna make up some shit that will probably save both our asses. 

I let out a laugh and tipped my head back. 

"This is complete bullshit. Absolute bullshit. Why do our lives have to be one enormous shit show just because of one rich white bitch?" 

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Thanks Maria. I guess we have no choice but to just...keep on doing our thang." 

She winced and held up a single finger, signalling one more piece of information she wants to tell me. I almost ran my head into the wall. 

"Hit me with it."

Maria quickly typed something out and hesitated before giving the phone to me. Taking a deep breath and taking the screen, I read it. 

Everything stopped. Then started again. Then stopped. My heart beat sounded like it was being operated by a kid who was new to driving manual. Something flipped over in my stomach and I stood up, almost throwing the phone back to Maria. She pressed her lips together in worry, her brows almost touching each other with how scrunched up they were. 

Tears pricked my eyes and I furiously blinked them away, placing a small smile on my face. 

"I'll see you later. Thank you for telling me." 

I felt her stare hot on my back as I left her room, urgently running up the stairs so I could be enclosed in the familiarity of my own space. The door slammed behind me and I barely noticed the sound before I was laying on my bed, staring out the window. 

Everything was silent in my brain for once. No dumb remarks. No out-there random stories. Nothing. 

Just quiet. 

I mean, what else was there to figure out when you found out your adopted father was your real father all along.

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