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Morning came around and the medication had worked. I had no nightmares for the first time in five years.

I felt almost brand new, save for my foot.

My iPad pinged, telling me I had a notification, and I checked my email.


Here is your log-in for the iMac to access cameras at the office and the house. Passwords will be the same.

Read up on the employee manual while you are at it, and give my assistant, Analîs a call so she can run you through the process of how everything works during work schedules. She does not have a heavy load today.


I went to the iMac and powered it up, typing in the log in, LeysaRomera, and made my password. MARSOCFirehawk07122014. Long and strong.

Once I was logged in, I called the number. Analîs walked me through procedures, and how the building worked. Analîs had a lockdown box. Eighteen lines for 18 floors, 25 buttons each. Offices had personal bathrooms in them, so they didn't get locked.

"So, simply put, any employee caught having relations with another employee, and yes, it has happened, are both to be fired on the spot, given an hour to clear their desks, and escorted out. You'll be given a very compact and stealth unit for your ear and wrist to communicate, and while Callahan is in the meeting with Mr. Clairmont on Monday, I will give you the tour of the office."

"Sounds good, thank you, Analîs." I hung up, and then pulled up the personal cameras to the house on my MacBook. The house was all clear, and I saw one of the guards lounging on the porch, shotgun in hand, awaiting any threat. One was on an ATV, simply driving around, scanning for threats periodically. The other guard was on driveway and entry duty. I picked up my radio and tuned to the ATV channel, which was Guard 3. "Hey, Harris. I know you have a hunting license, are you using a silencer?"

"Yes, ma'am." Good. I didn't need to be woken up by gunshots in the middle of the night if he bagged a deer on the property. Clairmont had given Harris permission to take a couple down every two weeks if he came across them, just because they liked to flock to Agnes' garden and eat her veggies.

"Thank you." Put the radio on the charger, and set my MacBook aside, and plugged my phone in. Agnes was already in the kitchen, and there was a crutch by my bed for me to hobble with.

I went out and she was already preparing lunch.

"Good afternoon!" She greeted cheerfully. "Go ahead and prop your foot up. "I've already been given strict orders to not allow you to do squat today." I rolled my eyes, and sat on the couch. "Oh, the bathroom has been cleaned up already. Here." She handed me a couple of Advil for my foot, and a glass of ice water.

"Thank you." I knocked the pills back and propped my foot up.

"Mr. Clairmont wanted me to pass this along to you when you woke up as well." It was a ticket to the Ranger stadium and I almost wanted to rip it to shreds. I hated the Rangers with a burning passion. "He needs a second Bodyguard and Callahan already has been called for duty that day with another contract. You'll be in his section with him and his executives. It's on Thursday, before Johnston's last day, so he's going to be standing guard at the stands entry." I sighed, wanting to complain about my disgust. "They're not my favorite team either, but the Astros are. I'm from Houston, my family is from England. That's why my accent is faint." She winked at me. "I'll be going too! But my seat is next to Johnston's post. Eagle has Stadium guard. So, we should have no problems... but you should wear sports gear."

"Ugh... what team are they going for?" I almost prayed they were for the Astros.

"He doesn't care for Baseball. He more cares for Hockey. But he likes the Astros, his Execs, sadly, are Rangers fans."

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