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The crowd was chanting "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" and our names were listed on the screen 1Lt Leysa Romera & Commander Mason Clairmont

I shook my head quickly that I wasn't doing it. I don't know who put our names on the list, but it wasn't funny!

"No, Scorpio!" I hissed. "Boundar-mmph!!!"

He crossed it. He fucking crossed it.

I could have sworn everything became three times as loud around me, and I pushed him off me, covering my face again with my hat, ignoring the cheering around me.

"For someone so cold and brash, you have really warm-"

"Shut. The fuck. Up." I stopped him. "Boundaries. You fucking broke them." I got up, and switched places with Johnson. Before we got to our spots, I snagged his arm. "Was that your doing?" I glared him down. He had a look in his eyes. "What the fuck, Johnson?! You know that is strictly against company policy!"

"Oh come on, Romera. Y'all are both lonely. You could have retired on your VA, and the tension between you two is so blatantly obvious, I just had to light the fuse. I'm out of here tomorrow, anyways! You're following me around the office for training und das ist das!" He spoke the last bit in German. "I'm gone! Retired! Enjoying the last 20-30 years of my life in peace with my wife! Let this old bag of bones have some fun, and for fucks sake, take the stick out of your ass. Outside of work, you're a lot of fun, and more alike with him than you know. You'd be perfect together." He went to go sit with him and I sat at the corridor.

I didn't date for a reason, and I definitely didn't date ex soldiers.

As we were leaving the stadium, I drove us home, making Johnson sit in the back with Clairmont. I was not sitting with him after the stunt that was pulled.

Back at the house, Agnes had dinner ready, but I wouldn't be joining them.

"Who won?" She asked.

"Astros." We all said, putting our shoes at the door. I left my sneakers there for runs, and everything else went in my closet.

"My boys." She sighed, smiling happily. "Well, dinner is ready! I cooked up the deer Harris caught."

"Don't set a place for me, Agnes. I'm not hungry." I didn't stay for her to ask questions, I just went to my room, and showered off.

Coming out of the shower, I was pretty red from the angry Texas sun. I got some aloe from my medicine cabinet and lathered it on, the pain beginning to set in. Turning the fan on high and Nest Thermostat on 72, I crawled into bed, with just a sheet over my naked, awkwardly tanned body, and passed out from the heat and annoyance from the days events.

But unsurprisingly, nightmares came to me, and this time, it wasn't Agnes, Harris, or Johnson who came to wake me up.

"Leysa, wake up!" I shot up, clutching the sheet to my chest. "It's not happening again, Firehawk. We're back to reality." I pressed my face to my knees, into the sheet, muffling my sobs. "Did you forget to take your meds?" I shook my head, wiping my tears on the sheet. He got up and came back. "Here." I saw an extra Xanax in his hand and a glass of water. I took it with a shaking hand, and knocked it back. "When was the last time you saw your psychiatrist for an adjustment?"

"Four months ago..." It began to take somewhat of an effect since I hadn't eaten.

"Come on. Get dressed." I sat in bed, not getting up. I needed him to leave, first. "Now-"

"Not decent." He flipped the light on, and saw the horrid sunburn.

"Jesus fucking Christ." I flinched as he barely prodded my arm. "Okay, I'll be waiting outside."

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