Chapter 6-Big mistake

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April's pov

I got to the bathroom and slammed the door behind me.
I rushed to the mirror to take a good look at myself, I didn't look as bad as I thought, my eyes were just puffy.

More tears threatened to fall so I just blinked them away and anger replaced it.

How could they just lock me in a locker for almost three hours? Didn't they have a heart?

As more thoughts were running through my head I heard the door to the bathroom open to reveal my  Jackson.

"What are you doing here"? I spat angrily.

"I told you to never raise your voice on me again". He yelled.

I decided to just keep my mouth shut in fear of what he could do.

"Now to answer your question, I'm here because some teachers have complained that you weren't in any of their classes".

He just said it like he didn't have a hand in it.

"Oh, okay then in that case I will just go over there and just explain to him what happened and even who were involved and with a record like yours he is sure to believe me".

I said with a hint joy in my voice that I tried not to make evident.

As I was walking to the bathroom door i felt Jackson forcefully dragged my hair back making to fall down unto the floor.

I groaned in pain then started to rub my scalp, I looked at him, just wanting to just yell or slap him even though that would be a rather foolish decision but he still used my hair to the pull me up and pushed me up against the bathroom wall.

"Don't you even think about ratting me and my friends out, you got that you ugly b*t*h or else you won't like what I'll do to you". He said menacingly.

He left my hair making me to slide to the ground and while he was passing over me he kicked me in the side and left the bathroom just like that.

Even through the pain I just managed to stand up. All I could feel was pain below my ribs and pure anger.

Who cares what they'll do to me. I thought, my stubborn side kicking in.

I could care less about his stupid threats.

I'll tell the principal everything so they can all get what's coming to them.

As I made my way to the door, I saw the least person I wanted to see; Taylor standing here in front me.

Oh god,
Haven't I suffered enough?

This time she was alone And I had already come to a conclusion that someone had to always follow her around like stray dogs in desperate need of food, in order for her to feel important or something.

"Oh are you okay April?" She asked mockingly.

"Oh me? I'm great, but you on the other hand look horrible. Perhaps after school you can hit the spa and so professionals could fix that mess you call a face...or maybe try to".

I went on to Insult her so if she's here to Insult me, I would walk away from her with my pride skyrocketing knowing that I insulted her first.

"Oh please don't even go there because if we're to judge looks, you don't even stand a chance honey". She replied smugly.

"If you're going to be a smart ass, first you have to be smart so you won't be an ass." I fired back

This girl makes me so angry that I don't have enough middle fingers to show her how i feel about her.

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