Chapter 7- The Devil himself

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April's pov

Lunch time

I walked into the cafeteria feeling scared. Why did I just have to be such a tattle tale and tell the principal?.

I saw Avery waving at me, I had a feeling she was would fast become my best friend, we now did everything together unless in school where we have different subjects in a day but when we had the same class we always sat next to each other and sometimes the teacher even had to change our seats when he heard us giggling and interrupting their lesson.

I haven't told her about the bullying and I'm even surprised she hasn't found out about it yet.

"Hey Ave". I greeted cheerfully using the nickname I gave her.
she smiled "Hey Ape".

"Ugh how many times will I tell you I hate that nickname". I said and lightly punched her arm lightly.

"Aww, but it's so cute". She cooed laughing at me.

"Uhh no it's not". I laughed at my friend's childishness.

My smile immediately disappeared when I saw Jackson, Phillip, Carter and Martinez, except Michael walk through the Cafeteria door.

I looked away and decided to try and hide my face behind my hair so he won't notice me but I think my stupid long strawberry blond hair would give me away but I'll have to fix that when I get home today.

Avery noticed I wasn't talking or smiling anymore so she tried to ask me what was wrong and I just silently told her not to worry about it.

I heard footsteps getting closer to me and Avery's table, I just silently prayed that it won't be Jackson.

But my prayers didn't seem to work because I felt something warm and sticky run down my hair and unto the table, I sniffed it a little, ewww melted butter!

OK how did these jerks manage to find this large amount of butter anyway?

But it seems when they want to make my life miserable nothing's impossible.

Great now I'll have to wash my hair like 5 times the least to get this out of my hair. Jackson will pay!!!

Stood up angrily looked at Avery, she had a Scared and surprised look on her face.

I angrily turned to look at Jackson and glanced at Avery's Lasagna, i quickly grabbed it and smeared it on Jackson's face and by now other students were staring at us, some were taking pictures while some were recording everything on their phones.

Jackson wiped the Lasagna off his face, before I could react he slapped me hard across my face in front of all the students and especially Avery.

Everyone burst out laughing at me.

Oh, how I wish the ground would open up and swallow me.

It was tolerable when everyone didn't see him slap me, but now that he did it in front of all the other students, I don't think I'll ever show my face again.

He Stretched his hand toward Carter and Carter handed him a CREATE OF EGGS!

Oh no!

He took one, took a few steps backward and and tossed it at me and from the corner of my eye I saw Martinez come over and roughly dragged Avery away from me, who was to horrified and scared to move.

Before I knew it a whole bunch of students rushed over to Jackson and Philip who was holding like 5 more creates and started to grab some and threw them at me.

The eggs were coming from different directions, It felt so painful when those hard eggs made contact with my skin especially my forehead.

After About Two minutes the eggs finally stopped coming and I felt the gross egg running down my hair, my arms and my clothes.

I had to prepare for The painful headache that would come after

The raw egg smelt as horrible as I felt.

"This was only a warning so don't even think about going against me again, got it?"

And not surprisingly all those cowards just chorused a "yes".
"Do you understand?" He asked Avery

Jackson asked Avery menacingly.
Avery just silently Nodded a yes to Jackson and cast an apologetic look towards my direction.

And I didn't even blame her.

Jackson came towards me and started to drag me out of the cafeteria, his friends wanted to come along but he Strictly told them not to follow him.

As we were getting to the middle of the hallway, we passed Mrs Zoe's biology lab I saw this as an opportunity and started squirming while making some loud noises get her attention but it proved fruitless.

"Nice try but all the teachers are in a meeting on the other side of the school".

He said darkly.
Oh no what will he do to me now that teachers will not be able to hear me.

"Jackson please I'm so sorry I'll never try what i did again, please don't hurt me". I pleaded almost in tears.

He didn't say anything, he just pulled me into the janitors closet which was actually really spacious.

"Oh honey, you definitely shouldn't have, but you just had to get my attention didn't you?" He mocked me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know who you were at that time if not I wouldn't have punched you".

I was met with a harsh slap, Which made me
Wonder if he had any respect for women at all.

I couldn't help it as my walls suddenly came crashing down, so I just broke down in tears.

I heard Jackson chuckle with amusement.

"I wondered how long it would take to break you." He taunted.

" Stop that will you and go take a shower before any of the teachers see you".

Jackson threw me some clothes and helped me up.

"Better be clean by the time I see you, or else...?" He warned me then turned walked away.

He stopped in his tracks,
"Oh and by the way, no teacher should find out about this." He left the closet and slammed the door behind him.

I cleaned my tears and made my way to the bathrooms still a bit surprised and at the same time shocked.

I'm schooling in hell!

So whatcha think?
Pls don't judge me too harshly or my writing style.

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