Chapter 10

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"Julie...oh my god. I can't believe you didn't tell me. This isn't some little omission this is ..... God Julie you could be paralyzed. You should have told me."

"and this is why I didn't your going to worry about something that you have no control over. What would you have done if you had known what precaution would you have taken that we weren't already this would have happened no matter what. I am glad it did I love knowing that I am carrying your child. Yes it's scary to be pregnant and yes some part of me is scared shitless that things could go wrong but you know what I wouldn't change anything even if I could. James this is what fate has dealt us don't dwell on the what if's and might have's or might be's just try to concentrate on the good things. Our love for one, our baby for another. If we cant control it yes I know we'll worry but don't let it ruin what is a great and wonderful thing." she kissed him and held tight o him she could feel the tension in him. She held tight and let him take it all in.

"this isn't going to be easy."

"nothing has been so far."

"I'm going to drive you nuts with incessant worrying. But I won't be able to help it."

"tell you what I'll let you worry if you let me redecorate the bedroom."

"what's wrong with the bedroom?"

"it's a man's bedroom."

"what do you expect I am a man."

"but you now have a woman residing in this house and we do not like to sleep under blankets that have deer all over them we like flowers or nice pastel colors. Not a scene from the national geographic."

"you may redecorate anything you like with in reason of course as long as I can fuss and worry."

"deal." she kissed him and he held tight to her. The very thought that something might happen to her was making him sick to his stomach. Her grandparents smiled and were very please with themselves. Now to deal with a couple of incompetent parents. They said their good byes and headed over to Julie's parent's house.

The first thing they did was get the reaming over with.

"and son I have to say going over there today was just stupid. I know this isn't what you had in mind for your daughter but you have to admit she hasn't steered herself wrong yet."

"she's an eighteen year old child with no comprehension of what it takes to make a marriage work or to raise a child."

"she'sa grown woman who pretty much raised herself and I think she's done a damn fine job." Julie's grandfather said glaring at his son.

"dad I know that we haven't been the greatest parents but we've always been there for her. We've taken care of her...."

"no she's taken care of herself your father and I have tried to help her but she wouldn't let us do much it was a matter of pride to her I think to prove she didn't need you or us or any one. She's now found a man who love's her who's given up everything to be with her. And he's proved that she's first in his life like has never been in yours. And don't try to deny it boy. You never wanted children and you may have doe your duty by her but out side of a secondary love for her you never took the time to show her that you really were there for her. That she was the first thing in your priorities out side of each other. So don't' try tot lie to me I'm your mother." Sheri tried to keep the tears back but it was hard she looked at her son and couldn't figure out where she had gone wrong he had been such a wonderful child so full of love but now he was a workaholic who resented his daughter's existence.

"I think it's time to go Sheri. Son if you really want to be there for your daughter to make up for some of the things that you've done wrong in your life let her live her life just leave her be. I don't mean stop talking to her, you need to talk to her get something ironed out but don't' try to run her life she's done good so far she'll continue to do good." Greg took his wife's arm and they left.

Julie and James made love after her grandparents left they blocked out all the problems and let the love they felt for each other sooth them. While Julie slept that night jams got up and went downstairs. He took a beer out on the back porch and sat down. He thought about what he had learned that evening that there was a possibility that he could lose Julie his heart ached he sat for ward and put his head in his hands. He let the tears come he had ruined her life he had taken what he wanted and it very well might kill her. He would never forgive himself if something happened to her.

He heard the screen door open, his head snapped up. Julie saw the tears on his face and went over and crouched in front of him.

"don't regret it. I love you." he could see she thought he was regretting getting her pregnant maybe even wishing he hadn't done it, he was but seeing that was what she knew it broke his heart. He didn't want her to think h didn't want her o the baby. He pulled her into his arms and held her and let the tears fall. she held tightly to him.

He didn't want to say good bye to her he wanted sixty years at least by her side. "don't leave me." he said it so quietly she almost didn't hear him. She tilted his head up until he was looking in her eyes." I love you no matter what happens I will always love you. And if the worst should happen then I want you to promise me something."


"if I should be paralyzed or heaven forbid die. I want you to love our child with all your heart make sure he or she knows that you love her that I love them. Because if you don't I'll have to kick you little ass and don't think I won't do it from heaven it's paradise for me I can make this hell for you got it?" she said trying to lighten the mood.

He gave the appropriate chuckle and kissed her. "I promise with all my heart." he buried his face in her neck and said "I love you Julie more then anything in this world." he kissed her and she kissed back letting all the fears and love and hope and despair they felt mold together and make them stronger. The heat between them soared, she pulled back and removed her night shirt. His hands glided over her skin finding all those little hot spots and making them catch fire. It was hard to go slow he wanted to shed his pants and shove himself into her to chase away all the anxiety to just feel the love and the heat they had for each other. She could sense he was going soft for her but she didn't want it any more then he did. "James I love you but if you don't fuck me right this minute I'll have to take charge." he smiled at her and laid her back on the deck he shed his pants and settled between her legs as his length nudged her secret spot he leaned over and gave her a heart soaring kiss and whispered I love you then shoved himself into her with a passion and a force that drove her a few inches across the deck he held her hips in place then pulled out the pounded in again faster and faster he went the sound of skin pounding against skin she raced them up he peak and the went over together with a fierceness that left hem both shaking. He had wanted to feel alive to make them both feel alive and he did. And if he had to move heaven and earth to do it he would keep them together for the next sixty years.

She was late to school the next morning as she walked in eyes turned toward her and whispers began as she passed. She knew after yesterday that it would be all over the school today but it was still a bit of a shock that everyone knew. She tired to ignore the hurt in her chest that these people who had once been her friends would whisper against her now. She walked strait to class and took her seat ignoring the pointing and whispering. The teacher called the class to attention and the day began. She concentrated on her work and ignored what was going on around her. One class after another was like that it wasn't like there weren't other scandals going on but hers was very fresh and it involved a teacher and it could some thought involve the police. Not very many realized she was over eighteen and so other then firing James there was not a lot the school or her parents could do to her or to James.

By the time she left school that day she was almost in tears. Not seeing James in the parking lot she turned to ward home. James had given her a key to his house a few weeks ago it came n handy now. He wasn't at the house either. He had said something about going to see a friend about a job. It must have gone well for him to still be gone. She put her things down and curled up on the couch. She fell asleep in minutes. James mother had been uneasy about his fascination with his student so she decide to fly back out and stay while with him. She didn't know all that had happened. Bridget, James mother, used her key to let herself in. she wasn't sure if he would b off by now or not so she yelled his name through the house. As she entered the living room she saw Julie pop up on the couch it made her jump.

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