Chapter 12

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N: this is the last chapter i hope you like the ending. 

 It was early the next morning James woke to the smell of coffee. He sat up in bed and retch for Julie she wasn't there.

"Julie?" the bathroom door opened to show a very pale Julie clutching her stomach.

"I was hoping to skip the morning sickness stage. And could you tell your mother to open a window or something that coffee smell is not doing me any good."

"sure." he kissed her on the cheek and pulled on his clothes after tucking Julie in for a nap he headed down stairs. This wasn't how he wanted to tell his mother he was going to be a father but it was how it was going to happen. His mother was humming softly and making pancakes.

"morning mother how are you this morning?"

"I'm very good dear how are you and Julie is coming down?"

"no she's not feeing well." jams picked put he coffee pot poured himself a cup refilled his mothers cup and poured the rest down the sink.

"you know that was a fresh pot."

"yeah but the smell is making Julie nauseous."

"she doesn't like the smell. What do you normally do."

"we share a cup and head out. Why?"

"but you just said she doesn't like the smell."

"no I said it was making her nauseous."

"but why would it make her nauseous if she normally drinks it?"

"it may have something to do with the pregnancy." James said it while filling his plate with breakfast. Bridget's eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.

"pregnancy? How far along is she?"

"a couple of months. What kind of syrup do we have for these."

"forget the pancakes and start talking son. When did this happen I thought you were going to keep me up to speed."

"I am this is up t speed."

"tell me your marring the girl because you love her not because you knocked her up."


"don't mom me young man. What on earth weren't you using protection?"

"mom! Please!"

"answer the question."

"yes mother we were and I don't recall saying anything to you about marrying her."

"you are aren't you?"

"of course I am and I am because I love her. I'm thrilled about he baby but baby or no baby I would have married her simply because I love her. And don't you dare say anything to her about me marrying her just because she's pregnant because it's not true. I love her."

"of course it just caught me off guard. And you never answered my question."

"yes mother we did use protection but it's not fool proof."

"yes I can see that. Now why didn't you tell me this last night?"

"if you'll recall you went on a walk and Julie and I went to bed." Bridget just harrumphed and turned back to the breakfast she was making. They sat in silence for a few minutes. Then Bridget unable to let it go, "so you told her parents about it I'm assuming that's why they are being so obstinate about things. Not that you seducing their daughter is enough."

"don't mom you don't know anything about their relationship with Julie so don't' assume that they're the good guys."

"well then educate me."

"it's not my place just suffice it to say that her parent never wanted children and they made it known. Her life hasn't been easy and I am not about to have them make her future any harder. She and I have a good life ahead of us I won't let anything change that."

"well your determined I can see. All I ask is that you only do what makes you happy if your happy then I'll get used to it." she smiled and jams chuckled.

"that's all I can ask for I guess." he had jut finished his coffee when Julie came in. "morning sunshine" he said cheerily. She turned a frown on his happy mood."

"how can you be so confounded cheerful. I feel like I ate poison and it wasn't strong enough." James chuckled. "don't laugh or I just might spit on you." he stood and put his arms around her. She curled into him soaking in the comfort and the love.

"are you okay to go to school?"

"I think so I'll take it easy and come strait home afterwards. A long nap this afternoon sounds really good." she shuffled out of the kitchen to get dressed.

"life isn't going to be dull with you two I can see." Bridget said watching her son and Julie.

"you planning on staying around mom?"

"oh you don't think I'd go home and miss anything do you."

The next couple weeks went by quickly they made little headway with her parents and even less with deciding what to do about school it was becoming harder to go everyday not only because of the morning sickness but because of the whispers and the general attitude toward not only her but James as well. As January gave way to February and march rolled around things were no more settled. The only thing that seemed to be going their way was that Julie's pregnancy was going beautifully. By then she was six months along and was caring forward so she looked further along then she was. The doctor said she and her daughter were in perfect health. They had wanted to marry before the baby was born but Julie had decided that walking down he isle being as big was one was a little much so they were going to wait until fall and have a traditional wedding.

Julie's parents had stopped calling and had stopped asking about her from her grandparents. It upset Julie but she wasn't going to let it hurt her future with James. James, his mother Bridget and Julie's grandparents were all together it the delivery room with Julie when Sara Elizabeth was born.

James knew as he watched his future wife kiss his daughters forehead that he was the luckiest man alive. Julie looked at her almost husband with tears of happiness on her cheeks.

"not bad for an unruly basket ball player, Huh coach?"

"I don't know we may have to keep trying till you get it perfect." James said a twinkle of mirth mixed with a thick thread of heat.

"I'll hold you to that." Julie tilted her head back and accepted his kiss with a heat of her own. As she kissed him her mind skipped back to that day in the gym who would have thought that a screwed up lay up would lead to a lifetime of love and happiness. Thank god for imperfections.

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