Ch 1 - Rose and Grayson

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Copyright to VedaPettigrew

Rosannah stifled a yelp as pain shot though her. Biting her lip to provide a distraction, she hopelessly wished that her mother had been wrong. As more burning agony spread through her, she kept her eyes tight shut - she did not wish to associate this pain with her new husband, who up to this point had been nothing but gentle and kind.

Clenching her fists so tightly as to leave an imprint of four semicircles upon her palm, she determined to do her duty without being a bother to her husband. He should not be made aware of how much discomfort the marriage bed was causing her.

As minute after torturous minute passed, the craving that it would soon be over, increased rapidly. There was no way of telling of long it would continue, her mother had never passed on that information.

Knowing she would never deny her husband his rights, yet upset with how painful the union was, Rosannah almost wished that she had not been brought up to be so obedient to duty.

But it was not so, The Honourable Rosannah Ivy Augusta Winthrop had had duty drummed into her from the very beginning. Her entire existence was only to marry well; in this at least, she had succeeded.

She argued with herself that although it was now her husband that caused her suffering, it was not as if pain was something new in her life. Pain was to be expected.

She should be comforted that the accomplishment of her marriage had brought satisfaction to her parents. She had achieved the only valuable thing a daughter could - elevating her parents' position in society with an advantageous match.

Her Grace, the Duchess of Amberly

She had attained a title even higher than her parents had hoped. However, it was strange and puzzling to discover, she did not care for their opinion as much as she cared for her husband. It was a wonderfully exciting and new concept - she was married to someone that she would have chosen herself, even if he had no title. She was happy to be his wife.

Her parents' only cared for the honour of their daughter being pursued by a Duke, smug that His Grace had chosen her from among a multitude of young debutants; had he been seventy, silver-haired and senile, still they would not have minded.

Rosannah however, was delighted to find a kinship that was wholly unexpected between two strangers of such different ranks. He had been amiable and attentive, they never lacked for topic of conversation and she saw none of the cold, implacable man that others seemed to see foremost.

The Duke had become very precious to her and she had enjoyed his attentions. Up until now at least...

"Ah!" A gasp of pain escaped - oh what would her husband think? He immediately stilled.

"Rosannah?" his deep voice questioned.

She willed herself to open her eyes and when she did, concern was written on his face, "My dear, am I hurting you?"

"No Your Grace, it is fine." Unfortunately, her trembling staccato betrayed her lie. Shock and revulsion crossed his face and he immediately withdrew. He lay by her side and she subtly squeezed her thighs to give her relief from the pain.

His forehead furrowed as he looked down to her movement, apparently it was not so subtle.

"I was hurting you," he stated flatly, then swept his beautiful blue eyes up to hers, "I am sorry." He looked contrite and brushed his fingers across her cheek. Oh, she hadn't realised a tear had escaped.

She tried unsuccessfully to think what to say. This was a situation for which her mother had not prepared her. Perhaps she should lower her gaze, modesty was paramount to the Baroness who had constantly berated her on the subject, but found she was unable to leave her husband's fond regard.

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