Ch 14 - Maestro

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Copyright to VedaPettigrew

"You look beautiful tonight," Henry whispered in her ear as he walked her around the ballroom.

This really was the event of the season, Lord and Lady Houston had held nothing back for the coming out of their eldest daughter. Dozens of huge flower arrangements filled the room with spectacular colour and a heady scent. Candles were placed everywhere, waiting for dusk to arrive so they could bring light back to the hall and ensure the longevity of the evening.

Though Lady Verity had yet to make her special arrival, Rosannah and Henry had naughtily taken a peek into the dining room and saw a feast fit for the royal family. Henry was satisfied to see his wishes had been followed with regard to the seating arrangements.

Yet again they were playing their delightful game of trying to unseat the other by whispering wicked things, but as yet she had not achieved the removal of the familiar social scowl from his face.

Rosannah had given her permission for him to be as ornery and bossy with her as he liked, within reason of course. She did not want the vultures to think they saw weakness in their marriage.

She sighed happily, since their fight and reunion they were on better terms than ever. Strangely, despite the upsetting news of not being able to become with child – 'the only good use for a wife' – their love had only grown stronger. She felt more secure and knew without a doubt that she and Henry would be perfectly happy in their union forever.

She ached for the lost little boy she would never see trying to climb his daddy's tree, but knowing and believing Henry's proclamation that it would not change a thing between them, she had a marital peace that she knew few other wives in her position would have.

Suddenly she clutched his arm, overwhelmed by him again. He looked down curiously and the scowl was banished as he saw her expression of desperate adoration. Nothing was spoken aloud, their faces wrote everything hidden in their hearts.

He gave her that soft smile, reserved only for her and she deftly lay her head upon his shoulder for but a moment. They returned to their circuit of the room faltering only when they were near the entrance once more.

"Baron Winthrop, good to see you. Baroness." Lord Houston welcomed her parents loudly and she felt Henry stiffen at her side. She pulled on his arm and drew him to the punch table, the other side of the room.

She poured a punch for each of them as she whispered under her breath.

"Henry." She used his first name in public, Gray and Grayson were for private use only. "Do not fret, this is a very large gathering, let us just avoid them." She glanced up at his furious expression as she passed him the punch.

"I should have written those letters as I first desired," he growled, looking across the room to where her parents had made their entry.

"No, it was not possible to do. You know that," she discreetly stroked her finger along his as he took the glass. He looked down at her touch and she trembled at the uncompromising darkness she saw. Not from fear though, but the other thing; that delicious feeling of belonging to a man so utterly powerful, who loved her so much that his black moods were only ever on her behalf, never for her to receive.

He looked back over the room. "I tried again with Fredericks today, but we could not make it work without inviting unnecessary intrigue into our situation." She raised her brows in surprise, he really was serious about this.

She needed to bring him back to his senses for she did not want her evening derailed by two people she no longer gave a whit about.

"Henry," she said breathily. It caught his attention, he came back to her with one brow arched. "Tell me again." He looked confused so she pressed against him and his eyes flared. "Command me again," she begged and his lips pressed together as he fought to maintain composure. The twitch of his mouth could not be contained however.

The Happy Marriage of Rosannah Winthrop (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon