Ch 26 - Waiting

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Copyright to VedaPettigrew

Henry entered her bedchamber and shut the door firmly behind them. She pranced to the middle of the room. The hope inside her had increased, causing her to feel like she might fly away but she could not bring herself down despite telling herself that hope was foolish.

She should dampen it, for if it turned out to be untrue she would be devastated. Yet every argument she tried on herself, she refuted by repeating all the things Mama had noticed on her own. And really, Mama should know for she had borne three children.

Henry's large hands wrapped around her waist from behind as he bent to nuzzle her neck. Tingles rushed over her skin but her focus was his hands. Twas as if he were protecting and loving their baby already.

Please Lord, please, she thought desperately.

"So what is my mother's secret?" Henry mumbled into the space where her shoulder met her neck, between caresses.

"In truth, 'tis more my secret than hers," Rosannah replied teasingly. He turned her in his arms and frowned down at her.

"What do you mean?"

She pressed her body into his, always happy to be closer to him. "She was waiting for us to tell her something she thought was our secret," she explained. "That is why she had that strange gleam in her eye."

He looked confused and she giggled. "I do not know with certainty whether what she thought is correct, but I do so hope so."

"Wife, you make no sense at all," he growled, ordering, "Speak plainly."

She nibbled the inside of her lips, wondering how to tell him what they suspected. Her forehead creased, "I am going to give you a list and you tell me what all these things have in common."

He raised one sardonic eyebrow.

"Please, I beg of you, allow me some peculiarities, for in truth my thoughts are not straight either and I cannot speak plainly as you desire."

He nodded with a smile, "Very well Rosie. I will exercise patience."

"Thank you," she patted his waistcoat. "Now, what do these things have in common? Headaches. Tiredness. Dizziness. Crying. Being irritable, then happy, then sad, then happy, then angry. Craving certain foods." She listed everything she could remember and watched him to see if he understood. He seemed to comprehend something after a few things and became more certain as she carried on.

"You have suffered all those things recently," he said with conviction. "You are what they all have in common."

She nodded with a smile, "Yes, I am." She lifted her hand and stroked his cheek with her thumb as she cupped his face. "There is something else that they all have in common."

Alarm filled his face. "Are you ill Rosie?" he asked urgently.

"No, no," she rushed to reassure him. "I am well. I shall give you another clue for your puzzle." Her cheeks blushed as she thought of what she was about to speak of. "If I added one more thing, I think you might understand."

"Rosie, I am losing patience. If I do not understand after this, I want you to tell me," he warned, an edge of worry to his tone despite her attempted reassurance.

"I will," she vowed. "The last thing on the list is, missed monthly bleeds."

She could barely look him in the eye at talking about such a personal thing, but she wanted to watch his reaction. Would he understand?

He frowned as she spoke but then, immediately after she stopped, his eyes widened dramatically.

"Rosie? Are you telling me what I think you are?"

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