Chapter 9

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"Good to know, thanks Cass," Sam spoke into his phone. "I'll see you guys soon. Oh?" Sam chuckled and shook his head.

"Of course Dean is hungry. Alright, I'll see you guys in a few hours then."

Sam closed his phone and walked around the table, closing his laptop and began thumbing through a few books that Dean had left on the table top. Looking up and closing the book in his hand, Sam decided to check in on the woman. It had been a couple of hours since she had eaten and he had wondered if she was suffering for it, or if her mother had made another pass and was causing her pain.

Sam knocked on the door and was relieved when the woman answered quickly, standing before him with a brush in her hand and a frustrated look on her face.

"I just wanted to check in with you," he explained. "To see how you were doing and if you needed anything. Dean and Cass are going to be out for a while longer and they have some news to talk to you about when they get back." The woman's eyes grew wide.

"They found the necklace? Is it broken?"

"No, I'm sorry, they haven't found it yet, but they have a good lead and a man on the inside to help find it. It'll be yours again soon."

"Oh," the woman turned from the doorway and sat back onto the edge of her bed dejectedly. She began pulling the brush through her hair roughly, fighting against the snarls and tangles that almost matted her hair.

"Did you want me to help with that?" Sam asked, walking into her room entirely as she turned to him. The woman sighed deeply and smiled with gratitude as she handed him the brush.

It took some time, almost an hour, to get through the worst of it before Sam was comfortable pulling the brush from her head to the ends of her hair. Through the entire event, the woman sat still without so much as a cringe from the pain. Either Sam was just that good, or she had a higher tolerance to the pain, either way Sam was grateful.

When he was done and took the brush to clean out the long strands that held fast to the teeth, the woman began to plait her hair. She braided several sections and wove them around until it was rather Phoenician in its style. It didn't fit her clothes, Sam thought to himself, but it suited her. He cleared his throat as he realized he was staring and asked if she needed anything else.

"What is there to do for fun?" the woman asked him. Sam looked around the room and thought about the rest of the bunker.

"Well, there's a ton of books on lore and such. We have movies and there's a firing range, a workout room... pretty much anything you could want."

"What about music? I'm so very fond of music," her violet eyes sparkled with hope.

"There's a radio in the workout room that blasts music for us when we are lifting weights or hitting the bag. Do you want to go there?" Sam asked.

"Very much so!" exclaimed the woman, who jumped up from the bed and gestured for Sam to lead the way.

When they entered the weight room, Sam showed her where the radio was.

"You can listen to different radio stations or we can put in a music cassette or even a music disc to any music you'd like..."

"Why do you have these?" she asked sam, lifting a microphone and showing it to him. Sam chuckled nervously.

"Sometimes when the other guys get a little too drunk, they like to do Karaoke. It's when you pick a song and follow the words and sing with the song, most of the time together," he explained. The woman gasped in delight.

"I've seen this! I remember a bar a couple of decades ago that I visited and saw people singing absolutely horridly to music, but the people around them cheered and no one threw snakes at them," the woman exclaimed, clapping her hands with joy. "Do you have to be drunk to use it?"

Sam smiled nervously and scratched the back of his head as he chuckled.

"You don't have to be, but it's easier listening to people butcher the words to your favorite songs when you are," he said, laughing a little.

"I say we should do this, it sounds like a lot of fun, and a great way to learn different songs!"

"What, you and me? Right now?"

"Of course you and me. And now is a pretty good time, we aren't doing anything else at the moment," the woman's words were innocent, her eyes were making him feel otherwise. He leaned over and grabbed the other microphone, switched the machine on and waited for it to offer different selections.

"Here's a good one," Sam said, choosing a classic from Joan Jett. The beat hit immediately as the words appeared on the little screen before them.

"We sing this together?" asked the woman. Sam nodded as the song began and they sang, awkwardly together at first until, near the end, they threw inhibition to the wind and let loose, singing their hearts out and belting (and really missing) notes.

When the song was over, both Sam and the woman had laughed together at their silliness.

"Okay," said the woman, wiping tears from laughing so hard away from her face. "I'll pick the next one!"

The hours passed in a flash for the two who, for the time being, forgot the world was falling apart around them. This is how Dean and Cass walked in on them when they returned from their errand. They found Sam by the woman's side, arm in arm, singing "Africa" by Toto with her, each trying to be louder than the other without any concern with accuracy to the song before they both laughed so hard they couldn't sing anymore and ended up wrapping each other up in a hug.

Castiel cleared his throat as Dean walked over and turned off the machine, catching the attention of the laughing pair.

"Karaoke, Sam? Really?" Dean scolded his brother, who's arms fell from the woman's sides. Sam shrugged.

"We were bored. What else were we going to do while we waited," he shot back to his brother. "I figured it wouldn't be a bad idea to just let loose and give her a moment where she had no worries or pain. You know? Just let her have some fun while she can."

Dean had the decency to look at least a little embarrassed as the woman took the offered microphone from Sam and set them both on the stand beside the machine. Her violet eyes searching for signs in Dean's and Castiel's that she had done something wrong.

Castiel broke the silence.

"You're right, Sam. We forget we all have to distract our minds from present events from time to time. That was a good plan."

Dean looked up at his brother and shrugged sheepishly.

"Bitch," he said apologetically. Sam laughed and slapped his brother on his back as they all exited the weight room.

"Jerk," Sam answered with a grin.

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