Chapter 15

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When Dean had closed the door behind the trio, Diamond pushed her arms through the sleeves of the worn leather coat before rising to her feet. She wasn't sure what she should be doing, having no direction was new to her, even for this new life.

She had been running since she escaped from the room she was kept in after being abducted. She had been tortured under the guise of some sick, twisted "love" of the demon who took her, tearing at her dress, burning her fragile skin with brands to mark her his own, only to hit her with them when he realized the burns would fade almost as soon as he created them. But the room where she sat was empty and there was no real directive for her at the moment.

Diamond walked to one of the boys' bags and looked with curiosity at what they had packed for their trip. Quickly packed shirts and spare jeans were found, along with a bottle of booze, a few different ID cards and fake badges. Dean's face lit up on one of the ID cards, identifying him as "Harrison," as it was scribbled along the blue signature line. Dean had an assortment of knives and handguns in his bag, along with some ammo to go with it. Closing Dean's well-used bag, she moved onto Sam's.

A power cord for his laptop was bundled on top of his pile of clothes. He had his toothbrush, a few flannel shirts, like his brother, and a working-out magazine, promising healthy recipes and fitness tips on the front cover. A couple of handguns, fake IDs, and some ammo boxes were also found in the bag.

Diamond zipped up Sam's bag and walked into the bathroom, knowing her hair wasn't looking so terrible with the braid she had put in the day before. It was messed a little bit on top from her sleeping, but she didn't think it was anything some water from the tap under the mirror couldn't fix. She leaned over and ran the water, placing cupped palms beneath the cool liquid before ducking her head over the sink. The water was a shock of cold on her bare neck as a few stray droplets rained from her fingertips but the majority of the liquid landed on her head, and she used it to smooth down her wayward strands of hair back into place.

Lifting her head to check her hair in the mirror, she froze and leaned a little to her left, trying to see around the opened doorway, certain a shadow of something had passed just out of sight.

"Hello?" she called softly, turning the running faucet off without removing her eyes from the reflection behind her in the mirror. "Did you leave something behind?"

"Yeah!" Dean's voice called from the room. "I decided maybe you should come with us anyways, you might not be as safe as I originally said. Are you good to come out and slip on some shoes?" Diamond smiled, relaxing her shoulders in relief as she turned to walk out of the room. She lowered her gaze to find buttons or a zipper for Dean's leather coat but as she turned to address Dean in the main part of the hotel room, she fell back a few steps with a horrified gasp.

"You're not him."

A man, almost as tall as Sam was, stood before her. His jet-black hair fell almost to his shoulders in a ruffian sort of way, his eyes were large and looked upon her shocked face with a soft brown color, almost amber in their lightness. His grin stretched his mouth wide, the creases in his face were deep and aging in their presence. His black shirt lay unbuttoned at the top, barely covered by the tan overcoat and matching slacks, whisks of black curls peeked out from his chest, barely discernable from the shade of his shirt.

"Well, hello there, beautiful," the man said in Dean's voice. "I've been looking a mighty long time for you." The man blinked and in that instant, his eyes turned black as night.

"Who are you?" Demanded Diamond. The demon laughed as he took a step towards her.

"Your silly little trick won't work on me, princess," the demon's voice switched from Dean's to a higher pitch with a southern drawl. Diamond took another step backward, keeping the distance the same between them; with her being out of his reach. The demon bowed low at the waist.

"Belial, at your service. Now that we are done with our pleasantries, your mother and I have some business that couldn't possibly go on without little old you, or your pretty little bit of sparkle here."

Belial held out her necklace, the silvertone chain slipped over his fingers, letting the purple stone glitter as it caught light in its surface. Diamond gasped and instinctively reached for it, drawn to it as flowers lean their faces to the sun. The demon pulled it back and stuck it into his pocket, wagging a finger in Diamond's face.

"Ah ah, little one. No. You come with me first and then you get your precious jewelry. As long as Mommy cooperates, of course."

"I won't go with you," she said through clenched teeth. "I won't be a pawn to be used against my own mother. I won't. I would rather be mortal." The demon laughed and snapped his fingers. Two demons appeared at either side of Diamond, clutching her roughly by her leather-clad arms. She struggled against the two but found their strength something she couldn't fight against.

"Castiel!!" Diamond yelled after filling her lungs with air. Her eyes burned bright, pushing out her call to him across the miles between them. The demon's smirk disappeared when the angel in the tan trench coat appeared behind the two demons holding Diamond.

Castiel plunged his angel blade into the demon on Diamond's right side as he grabbed the top of the other demon's head, concentrating on expelling the spirit from its host form as the other body slid off the silver blade onto the floor. As the second body fell unconscious, but not dead, Belial paced the floor slowly, his eyes not leaving the body of the angel that had come to Diamond's call.

"Give me my necklace," growled Diamond, her eyes still glowing fiercely. The demon made a move as though he was going to obey before smirking at her and shaking his head.

"Had you more power, little one, I might have found myself unable to fight against you. As it were..." He snapped his fingers once more, sending Castiel flying across the room and crumpled into a dazed heap. Castiel shook his head as he rose, blinking quickly to get the room to stop spinning before he advanced toward his adversary once more.

"Let her go to her mother, Belial," Castiel demanded. With his angel ears, he heard the roar of the Impala as it parked in front of the hotel room.

"Not a chance. This pretty girl is going to get her mama to work hard, giving the love bug to all humans. Desperate lovers make deals quickly, they say. And as for you and your boys outside, you'll be too busy to chase us." He snapped his fingers once more and Castiel and Diamond could hear the sound of fighting from the other side of the door.

"Dean, duck!" called out Sam, followed by the scream of a stabbed demon.

"Sounds like quite a show out there," Belial mocked Diamond and Castiel with his joyful tone. Castiel made a move to the door but he was suddenly thrown into the table situated beside it, the loud crash deafening to Diamond's ears. Castiel didn't move.

"No!" cried Diamond, and she found herself in the clutches of two different henchmen. There came the sounds of blows hitting flesh and heard one of the boys grunt as the sound of bone getting broken rang clear in the ears of those listening inside.

"Sammy!" yelled Dean, before Diamond heard him cry out in pain himself. Diamond's eyes filled with tears.

"Make them stop!" Diamond yelled to the demon before her. Belial took her by the chin and brought his face close to hers.

"Mortals are like demons, child," he began to lecture her before standing to full height. "Expendable," he finished with a snarl. The grunts outside died down and Diamond began to panic. Her breathing picked up until she was nearly hyperventilating as she looked up at the smug demon before her.

"Sounds like the party is over. Time to come home, pet," Belial said, gesturing to the demons at her side who held onto her tighter. Diamond hung her head and calmed her breathing, focusing all her strength into the small pit of her stomach. Her eyes glowed bright, but the demon missed it in her downturned face and half-covered eyes. With every ounce of power Diamond had within her, she whispered four words:

"Dean. Sam. Help me."

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