43 - Help Arrives

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            I jolted from my cot, hyperventilating. Was it normal for me to have nightmares? I really hoped this didn't become a regular thing, I wasn't sure if I could handle it. The nightmare made no sense to me at all, because I didn't know what was going on.

All I remembered from the dream was that I was alone in dark woods, and that I was running from something. I wasn't sure what was after me in the dream, but my mind constantly told me that I had to keep running and to not stop, no matter what. Also, I remembered how I heard the faint sound of furious hooves.

I looked over to Éowyn's cot; she was still out cold.

I wondered if it was even worth it to try and fall back asleep. I only deliberated on the issue for a minute.

I slipped quietly out of bed, my feet not touching the weapons—Éowyn had made sure they were stocked under my bed so I wouldn't stumble over them again. Even when not in use, weapons were dangerous.

I tiptoed to the threshold then ambled my way down the hall and out of the Golden Hall's doors. A cool morning welcomed me. I inhaled the air, sitting on my usual stone step perch. I sat my head in my hands, gazing out at the sleeping village of Edoras. I looked past the village to see open land, where, hopefully, the company of four I wanted to see would arrive today. Even though I didn't trust them enough to talk to them yet, I still wanted to somehow pry answers from them.

I was sure they would be more than willing to give me what I wanted.

I had been outside for hours until Éowyn called for me to come inside, that breakfast had been made. At the mention of food, my stomach grumbled. I went back into the Golden Hall to nearly be overwhelmed by the smell of food. Éowyn joined me as we ate.

"You know," she said after dabbing her mouth with a napkin, "I think our victory at Helm's Deep should not go unnoticed." I shot her a questioning look. "We should celebrate with a feast in the Golden Hall! And maybe we can honor those whose lives were taken on that night as well. Yes, that sounds like a great idea! Doesn't it?"

I nodded, though my stomach knotted uneasily. The Hall seemed massive enough to fit the population of Edoras, but that was not what made my stomach churn. If Éowyn thought for one minute she was making me attend this celebration and memorial, she had another thing coming to her.

"Of course, we should wait for the king to come back, everyone needs to be present for the feast," she rambled on. It seemed as though she was falling in love with the idea more and more the longer she dwelled on it. "I'm sure he won't object."

I could only answer her with a shrug.

"It's settled, then," she said proudly. "And don't think you're going to worm your way out of attending, Marlena."

My eyes widened at her.

"I know you were thinking it," Éowyn said. "I can find something for you to wear, there is no way I will let you attend the feast in your nightwear." She chuckled.

It seemed as though the event of the feast consumed Éowyn. That's all she seemed to worry about at the moment, which was fine by me. I wouldn't have her trying to get me to talk to her. Still, I feared that while she left me alone, she was trying to find an outfit for me to wear at the feast.

I retired back into our shared room after breakfast, sitting on the cot with my hands in my lap. On occasion, there'd be a guard or two that'd pass through the hallway, their footsteps echoed outside of the threshold of the room. I rubbed the back of my neck. Maybe it was time for me to clean myself up for the day.

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