52 - The Calm Before the Storm

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I woke up on a soft bed of grass. This place didn't seem familiar, yet I felt that it was—my heart told me this.

I looked up at the trees. They were scarce, not looking intimidating in the slightest. Slowly, I got to my feet, only to realize I was in a white gown that practically made me glow. I examined the fabric.

The faintest sound of stepped-on grass took me away from inhaling my surroundings. I stumbled back a step, facing the woman before me. She had an elegant air about her, her dress looked to be as white as the one I wore, her honey-blonde hair fell down in waves around her. I noticed she had pointed ears—she was an Elf.

I swallowed, wondering why this Elf was here with me. I had no idea who she was, and I had no idea where I was. None of this was making sense to me. Then again, when did dreams ever make sense to anyone?

"Where am I?" I timidly asked the Elf.

"Is it not obvious?" Her voice was haunting but alluring. "You're in the woods of Lothlórien."

"I've never heard of such woods."

"You have, you can't recall it."

"Who are you?"

"We have met before, little one."

"I don't think we have," I said uneasily.

"You don't remember. Your mind is still clouded, preventing you from remembering everything."

"You didn't answer my question."

"I am Galadriel."

"Why have you come to me in my dream?" I demanded calmly.

"I possess the ability to talk to others through their dreams."

"So...you are real?"

Galadriel dipped her head. "I am."

"What is your purpose here?"

"I come to you to warn you."

"Warn me of what?" My heart thudded in my ribs.

"I sense your path has taken a turn for the worst." She clasped her hands in front of her. "You are heading for battle, yes?"

"I-I am," I stammered, "but it was not by my choice. There is no way for me to run away from it, it's too late."

"Listen carefully; I know your fate following the battle." It seemed as though her blue eyes pierced my soul.

"Will you tell me it?"

"I do not wish to trouble you, so I won't."

I gulped; it had to be a bad outcome for me for Galadriel to not reveal it. "What can I do to change my fate?" I dared to ask.

"Only you know the answer."

She turned on her heels, slowly walking into the woods. I stared at Galadriel's back, dumbfounded. I had never been given a task before.

What could I do to change my fate, if there was anything I could do? From how Galadriel avoided answering my question, I had to assume my fate did not look good.

I knew nobody could help me on this; their help would get me nowhere. This task was mine, and mine alone.


"Hey, wake up."

I groaned, considering swatting away my intruder. Did nobody hear of a peaceful slumber?

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