Chapter 43

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This is Aurora's point of view of what happened last chapter and what happens after. Hope you enjoy💕

Aurora's POV:

About an hour after Tristan left, I started feeling more sick and more uncomfortable.

I drank some water and shut the curtains so I can get some sleep. My head was throbbing and I was feeling dizzy and nauseous.

I eventually drifted off to sleep but it wasn't long till I woke up, feeling my stomach churning and something rising to my mouth. I rush to the bathroom and sit in front of the toilet.

I leaned down and threw up everything into the toilet, tears escaping my eyes and my cheeks red from all the gagging.

I cough out then rince my mouth and pat my cheeks with water. I then lean back against the wall, feeling exhausted and drained.

What was that?

After a bit of thinking about the last couple of months, the diziness, the tiredness, the nausea, I have a wild guess about what might be happening to me. I think I might be pregnant. And I didn't realize this till now but I've missed a couple of periods. How could I not have known? I've been so busy and distracted, I forgot about it.

Not to mention that during the last two weeks, I've not been sleeping in the same bed as Tristan. I moved to a different guest room that was far away from the master bedroom. And I've been sick almost every morning. He doesn't know about it though.

My heart starts beating relentlessly against my chest. What will I do? Am I really pregnant? There's only one way to make sure.

I weakly pick myself up and go over to the room, grabbing the phone and sitting on the bed. I dial Stella's number and wait for her to answer.

"Hello." I hear her voice come through. That alone makes me feel somwhat calmer.

"Stella, it's Aurora." I say, trying my best to stay calm and not cry. I'm very sensitive at the moment.

"Oh, hi babe. How's it going?" She squeals. I haven't called her in a while and it feels nice to talk to her again. I just hope she will help me.

"I'm okay. You?" I lie. I'm far from being okay. I'm freaking out, dreading about what I just found out.

"Same here." She replies.

"You're not busy, are you?" I ask, hoping she's free. I really need her.

"No. Do you need anything?" She asks and I close my eyes, inhaling deeply.

"I just..." I start but then I burst into tears, hyperventilating into the phone.

"Aurora, what's wrong?" She asks in a serious voice but I stay silent

"I-I think I might be pregnant." I cry, my voice cracking as I continue to sob heavily into the phone.

"Really?" She chirps and I hum in response. "Then why are you crying?"

"I'm just worried. I- I don't know what to do." I admit, pouring my emotions out as Stella listens.

"Okay, babe. Just breathe." She attempts to calm me down and I take a deep breath. "I'm gonna go pick up a pregnancy test right now and I'll be right over, okay? It's gonna be fine." She soothes and I wipe my damp cheeks with my hand.

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