Chapter 59

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Several months later:

Aurora's POV:

In the matter of a few weeks, things have slowly came back to normal. I still hold every memory of what happened in mind but I've come with terms with everything that has happened. I processed it, accepted it and moved on.

I have been pushing myself to do things that I lost interest in for a while. And I'm pleased to say that I feel much more better and healthier.

Tristan has been a very big help. He helped me through everything. He still does. I don't think I'll ever be grateful enough for him. He never ignores me when I'm down, and the way he constantly has his attention on me does things to my head.

And besides the fact that it took him weeks to get over what happened with Jackson, and me begging him not to hurt him, he's been doing okay too.

We did a lot of travelling. He figured I needed a change of scenery so he took me to his private island, which was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had. I got to do so many things I never dreamt I'd be able to.

And for a little while, everything was perfect. Of course, that was until a couple of days ago.

That's when I started feeling weird and sad, and I can sense that Tristan was picking up on it. We had just came back from our trip and this was our first day home.

I look out the window as we drive back to the house from the restaurant we just had lunch in, watching the drops of rain trickling on the fogged glass.

It was so sunny on the island we went to. But here at home, it's cloudy and pouring rain all the time.

I lean my head against the window as I hug my coat around me, thinking to myself.

"You're oddly quiet." He says, catching me off guard as I turn to him. "Is something on your mind?" He asks, raising his brows as he grips onto the steering wheel.

"Yeah." I blurt out without thinking. "I-I mean no." I correct. "I'm fine." I assure him, more so trying to convince myself.

"Come on, talk to me." He says, his one hand moving to grip on my inner thigh while the other is on the steering wheel.

He's been pushing me to talk and communicate more. I usually just say I'm okay but there's no way I can fool Tristan. He sees right through me.

"I'm just feeling a bit under the weather. But I'm okay." I confess, looking to him and tucking my hair behind my ear.

"It seems as if there's something you're not telling me." He hums, his thumb rubbing on my skin as I try to contain myself. His touch is too much.

"I'm-" I start but then sigh, not sure wether I want to tell him or not. I don't want to get his hopes up because it definitely doesn't mean anything.

"Aurora." He warns in a low voice, glancing over to me. I sigh in defeat and turn to him.

"Okay." I mumble. "I-I don't know what it means yet but..." I ramble before taking a deep breath. "I'm late."

As soon as those words come out of my mouth, Tristan snaps his head at me, his brows screwing up before he turns to pull up and stop the car, making me slightly jolt out of my seat.

He then turns to me again with a scowl on his face. "Late as in...?" He asks in a serious tone and I nod. "Are you sure?" He twists up his brows as his eyes quickly travel down my body before his eyes meet mine. I nod again at him as I watch his throat bob.

"How late?" He asks, his voice getting even more serious.

"Maybe three weeks." I shrug my shoulders. Tristan widens his eyes and raises his brows.

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