MY WOMAN (Part - 21)

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Aditya's interview video spread like a fire..... Almost all the country took it positively...... In fact many charitable trusts and organizations got inspired by aditya and started working towards the issues....
Even the most famous gurus and religious people supported him..... So in total, Aditya deewan is the new sensation of the country, and crush of all the girls.....his this popularity shocked all the stars, and famous business personalities, having a good name in public is something which every top business man wants and struggles for, as it will promote his business in return of zero investment in advertising the brand but here Aditya got it without much effort..... Aditya's popularity shook the business world and the share value too increased..... Many People always wanted to work with deewans as they are the best but after all this, the number tremendously increased.... Everyone wants to work with them and raghav deewan is the happiest man right now...... He(raghav) is initially upset with Aditya for acting like 'status doesn't matter to him and all that" in front of media but when he saw what the video did to his business, he couldn't be happier. sakshi would have been very proud of her son if she didn't know aditya's motive behind this, she just stood silently faking a smile when raghav went on praises for her son, ritesh and saraswati are very proud of aditya.....They even talked to anand about this and anand too sounded happy...... Swapna and vivek got surprised seeing Aditya's move, they appreciated his intelligence in their minds.....the video almost solved their problem, now their respect is not at stake but will this stay for life long is the main question that keeps on popping in their heads, They are still not okay with the whole marriage thing and the same is with sakshi...... She gave an hour long lecture to Aditya after she had seen his IV about the cons in marriage with priya but Aditya is Aditya, he kept on countering sakshi whenever she insulted priya.....
Shanaya got to know about Aditya's love towards priya....she accidentally heard the conversation between his brothers, actually samrat was teasing Aditya about priya and that's when shanaya stepped in..... Aditya tried to convince his sister and thanks to his stars, she got convinced a bit but is still not ready to accept priya.....
Aditya got busy in these three days handling the business and his family especially his mother and sister...... Aditya badly wanted to talk to priya but he never got time...... At office sakshi kept him busy and at home shanaya..... He understood that they both are teaming up against him..... Till then he understood that his mother brain washed his sister against priya because at first shanaya seemed okay with it but later got completely aggressive over the whole thing..... She made sure that he didn't talk to priya.....
He laughed mentally at his sister and mother that they actually thought that they could stop him from talking to priya.... Yes he didn't talk to her since his interview but that's because he got busy in his work and more over that, he monitored the people's reaction for every few hours as if at all anything goes wrong his whole plan will spoil.... And due to that he had to work till late night and he didn't want to disturb priya at that time, so he controlled his urge to talk to her...... He played their past conversations whenever he missed her...... He got surprised by his behaviour as he is behaving like a love sick teenager but couldn't help it as priya's thoughts and her voice soothed his inner turmoil......
On the other side priya vent out her frustration in front of her cousins and pooja.....
The night before aditya returned to Hyderabad, priya, anupama, siddharth and pooja had a conversation...... They were talking casually when this topic popped up....
Siddharth - I must say priyu...... Aditya deewan is a very intelligent man, I mean the way he handled the whole issue is commendable......
Anupama - I agree siddhu.....u know Girls are going crazy over him.... And he is crazy over this stupid girl who is not even ready to accept him......
Priya(irritated) - okay..... Stop it both of u... I wanted to spend some time with u guys as I wanted to get rid off those thoughts and u r here talking about it.....
Siddharth(seriously) - Priyu.... Stop running away from the situation.... Face it.....
Priya(shocked) - I don't believe this..... U r actually asking me to do this...... I expected this from anupama akka but u.....what's wrong with u siddhu....
(Anupama is some what different from Priya, she never minded being in a relationship or something like that, she is a free bird and enjoys life to the fullest unlike Priya who is bounded to society's norms..... Anupama dreamed of having a love marriage and she is happy that her dream is getting fulfilled but siddharth is same like Priya who is away from all this stuff, so Priya is taken back a bit when he is saying all this, pooja silently observed the cousins as she doesn't want to say anything..... She doesn't want to accept but she too got convinced that aditya truly loves Priya and she would be very happy with him)
Priya(to pooja) - won't u say something ??
Pooja - what ?? What do u want me to say ??
Priya (frustrated) - say anything Pooja.... I mean akka and siddhu got mad...... They wanted me to marry Mr. Deewan.....
Pooja(shooks her head) - they just want u to give it a shot.....
Priya (lifting her eye brows) - what's the point in it..... It's clearer now..... I am no where near him...... Did u see his fame, popularity...... I still don't understand what did he see in me ??
Siddharth - ur pure heart priyu..... Stop thinking so low about u..... U r not any less..... U r the purest soul and u should be happy that u r getting a husband who is so popular..... (Winks at her)
Priya(angry) - stop calling him as my husband idiot...... And y r u guys not understanding...... This won't's not easy for me too to let him go but I have to..... U guys don't even know what I felt when I saw shreya(priya's colleague) kissing aditya(on the phone screen) that too in front of me...... I so wanted to yell at her and these are all so foreign to me......
Anupama(gets up and hugs Priya) - omg.. I am so happy for u Priya..... U r in love.... U r jealous.... Siddhu did u see her face.... So red with anger like she is gonna kill shreya for kissing her man......
(Priya slightly blushed when anupama said 'her man' but soon covered it)
Priya - stop it akka.... It's not I am talking about avoiding all this and u guys are pushing me towards it....
Pooja - because this is the right thing to do....
Priya(shocked) - Pooja..... Omg what's wrong with u all.....
Pooja - stop being so dramatic Priya..... Think practically...... Aditya deewan is not going to leave u come whatever may....... And now it's clear that u too like him....I hate to say this but I think he is the one for u......
Siddharth - Priya.... Think about it.... We all know u like him..... And he is hell bent on marrying u..... And u too know how much he loves u.....
Priya - but siddhu u all are thinking only about me and him.... But what about amma, annaya(vivek) bamma(grand mother) and my uncles..... U know no one will accept this marriage...... Do u really think that they will get convinced with aditya's one interview ??
Anupama - we understand Priya..... Don't worry about pinni(aunt/mausi/mother's younger sister)and vivek, they will eventually agree because all they want is ur happiness and u agree or not, Aditya is ur happiness...... And about ur grand mother and uncles..... Anand babai
(uncle/mausa) will convince them.... Don't spoil yours and aditya's happiness thinking about them....u r thinking about ur parents and brother, that's fine, but u don't have to think about our whole families because no one will come to ur rescue when u will be in trouble or in pain except for ur parents and loved ones.......
Siddharth - and if u think that Aditya will be one among them, accept him priya.... We think that he will be with u always.... And that's y we accepted him.... And now it's ur turn..... U always trusted ur father.... Trust him again..... He too accepted Aditya.... Everyone can see his love except for u, u don't want to see it.....
Priya by then realized that she loves Aditya and she wants to marry Aditya.... Anand supporting Aditya almost broke her strong walls which she built around her heart......and now her cousins and best friend too gave their nod..... Her sister-in-law called her that morning...... She too is very happy for her and assured her that even swapna and vivek will agree soon..... All this gave Priya a positive hope.... And now she no longer wants to hold back her strong feelings for Aditya.... She no more wanted to see his disappointed and hurt face whenever she pushed him away......
The urge to hear his voice which manages to send shivers to her even heard in phone started increasing but she controlled herself and talked some general stuff with them.....
Siddharth, anupama and Pooja understood that Priya is convinced and left the rest in her hands.....After a while, siddharth and anupama left to their homes and Pooja left to the room saying she has some office work to finish.....
Priya is fidgeting with her mobile whether to call Aditya or not......
She saw the time and thought not to disturb him but she strongly felt that he would be awake..... She thought to give him three rings and hang up if he didn't pick up......
She called him and Aditya picked up in the half ring.......
She is surprised at how fast he took the call without knowing that he too badly wanted to talk to her and is about to call her......
Aditya - hello.......
Priya went numb hearing his voice, she cursed herself for calling him without preparing herself for their talk.... She doesn't even know what to say now..... She took heavy breaths and Aditya understood that she is nervous...... He smiled at her innocence.....
Aditya - Priya..... Calm down...... Talk anything and everything that comes into ur mind.....
Priya felt something strange in her tummy hearing his voice and at the fact that he understood even her silence......
Priya - how r u ??
Aditya - I am good.... How r u ??
Priya - gud..... (Silence)
Aditya(lovingly) - Priya......U r missing me ??
Priya(biting her lip) - yes.....
Aditya is surprised as well as happy to hear her answer..... For the first time she said something and didn't cover up..... He felt something good inside, a positive hope raised in his heart......
Aditya - I miss u too more than u can imagine..... I badly wanted to u talk to u but couldn't..... Because of the work......
Priya - I understand..... U might be busy.... I.... Um..... Ok bye.....
Aditya - wait.... Priya..... R u sleepy ?? If not can we talk for sometime ??
Priya - I am not sleepy.......
Aditya - I am sorry......
Priya(surprised) - why ??
Aditya - I didn't call u in these three days..... It's just that I didn't want to disturb ur sleep..... And also for getting angry with u that day......
Priya - u don't have to say sorry...... It's not ur fault, but mine..... I didn't call u even after making u angry that day..... I am sorry......
Aditya(smiles) - u don't have to apologize baby..... But please don't talk about urself like that..... I can't bear it.....u r the best.... U don't have to change, I love u the way u r, so unique and so real...... Understand ??
Priya - hmmm
Aditya - u wanted to say something ??
Priya(blurted) - when r u coming here ?? I.... Just asked.... I....
Aditya - tomorrow...... I wish I could come to u right now......
Priya - can u please tell me when will u be free tomorrow ?? I wanted to talk to u..... Only if u have time......
Aditya(sighs) - Priya..... U don't have to ask me all these.....just tell me the time and I will be there, I told u right..... I am never busy for u.....
Priya - but.....
Aditya - okay..... How about we go for dinner tomorrow.......
Priya(nervous) - dinner ?? I... Um... I can't come......
Aditya(smiles) - r u going to say 'no' for everything I ask ??
Aditya hates to hear a 'no' but with Priya, it's different...... He asks her even though he knew that the answer would be no.....
Priya - no..... I mean..... My family won't allow me..... I am sorry..... I....
Aditya - it's okay Priya..... I understand..... I was just teasing u.... We'll go only when u feel comfortable and ur parents allow u.... Okay..... And about tomorrow..... I'll pick u up from ur Office, we'll go to my place......
Priya - please Don't bother Mr. Deewan..... I will come there directly.....

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