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After somehow escaping Jungkook, you went to lunch and sat down in a seat next to your best friend.

You unwrapped your sandwich as Taehyung began to speak.

"I'm driving to Daegu to visit my grandma, she's sick." he said looking sad.

"Oh, I hope she gets better soon." you said.

"Thanks, but my parents are coming with me, which means I can't bring Yeontan with me. Can you please take care of him while I'm gone?" he begged you with puppy dog eyes.

"Tae, I don't even know how to take care of dog, let alone watch him while you're gone."

"Please? He'll starve if I leave him home, and my mom's going to try to put him in the shelter if I bring him with me."

You thought for a bit. What could go wrong? After thinking of how you will be able to hide the dog from your parents, you finally agreed.

"Fine. When are you leaving?"

"Right after school... hehe."

"What? I'm gonna be all alone!" you said, realizing you had no other close friends then him.

Now that you thought about it, you realized how private and what an introvert you were.

You were considered pretty, not like a model or any of the popular girls at your school, but pretty descent looking.

You've had boys ask you out a lot, but you've always declined for no reason.

Y/n.. Y/n.. Y/N!

"Y/n?!" Tae yelled as he snapped his fingers in front of your face.

"Huh? What?"

"Your phone has been ringing for the past 5 minutes, pick it up." he said as looked back at his pizza.

"Oh.. sorry." you picked up the phone and saw you has a missed call from both of your parents. A notification appeared showing a text from your mother.

'Y/n? Why aren't you picking up? I thought it was your lunch break. Anyways, your father and I are leaving you home for a month or so because we have a very important and urgent business trip. Be responsible and focus on your studies. Remember, absolutely NO parties. Goodbye.'

You pressed your lips together in a thin line reading the text.

The bell rang and you and Tae threw away your trash before leaving for your lockers. You looked over to see Tannie sleeping peacefully.

"Y/n, I want you to promise you'll keep Yeontan safe. This is the first time I'm being this far away from him." he said.

"Don't worry TaeTae, I pinky-promise I'll keep him safe no matter what." you smiled as you linked both of your pinkies together.

Tae walked you to your class before going to his own. You sat down at your desk and looked at the clock.

You sighed and took out your notebook. You began taking your notes on the subject.

The teacher turned the lights off as she played a video from the projector.

Your eyes wandered around the classroom until they stopped at one particular boy.

The raven haired boy turned and caught you staring at him. His smirk brought you out of your trance as your eyes widened and your cheeks turned a deep shade of crimson.

You looked back at the front and tried to ignore Jungkook, but every time you glanced at him for a second, he would still be staring at you.

Still blushing, you kept your head down for the rest of the class.

Skip time~

The sky had turned dark quicker then usual, and you were walking on the sidewalk on your way home.

With one hand carrying a sleeping Yeontan, you used the other to check the time on your phone.

It was only 4:23 p.m., why was the sun already setting?

You shook your head and continued walking.

The roads were mainly silent, with a car passing by every now and then. You remembered hugging Taehyung goodbye as he went into his car, not knowing when the next time you'll see him was.

Then, you also remembered, that when walking out the actual school, you caught a certain boy staring at you.

You remembered seeing his almond shaped eyes, his bunny-like smile that he would only show when he was with his friends.

You shook your head as you caught yourself thinking about him.

Yeontan yawned awake, and you decided that he could be your friend as there was no one else to talk to.

"Tannie, why do I keep thinking about him? I hate him. He always has that stupid smirk when he's talking to a girl, he swipes his hand through his soft raven colored hair, and that smile of his..." you started rambling as you walked into the house.

Eyes widened, you dropped your stuff on the couch as you brought Yeontan with you to your room.

"Gosh, why do I keep thinking about him? He's stupid and doesn't deserve to occupy my thoughts." you said firmly.

You looked down to see Yeontan looking at you confused.

"Never mind.."

You fed Yeontan a slice of beef and set him on a pillow to sleep. You sat at your desk and listened to music on your headphones while doing your homework.

Finally, after what felt like hours, you were finally done, you looked outside and saw it was nighttime. You shut your window, putting the safety lock on it as well.

Yeontan was still sleeping so you decided you were going to go make yourself some dinner. Your house was quite large due to your parents both being successfull CEOs.

As you were finishing up with making some stew, you heard Yeontan waddle into the kitchen.

You set the bowl of stew on the table as you began to pour dog food into a small bowl for Yeontan.

He gratefully began eating as you dug in to your dinner.


You jumped as you heard a loud noise, meanwhile, Yeontan was eating his food unbothered.


You heard it more clearly, it was coming from the window. Was someone trying to break in?

You grabbed Yeontan and put him under the table, attempting to hide him.

You yourself grabbed a broom and approached the window carefully.

You took a deep breath and looked outside.

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