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Laying in bed, you were unable to fall asleep with the feeling of uneasiness lurking around you.

You slowly sat up, warmth leaving your body. You stood up and walked to one the windows in your room. It was barricaded, but there was a tiny crack you could look out of.

Jungkook offered to sleep on the couch, surprisingly. You felt bad so you suggested you both could take turns sleeping on the bed.

Looking out the small crack, you had a perfect view of the moon and stars all around you. You smiled at the beautiful sight. The smile left your face when you remembered the situation you both were in, paranoia already in your head.

You took a deep breath and laid on the bed, a thousand thoughts clouding your mind as you stared at the ceiling.

Was your family okay? Were they wondering about your safety? Did they even care?

You turned to your side, another group of thoughts floating into your head.

Was Taehyung safe? Has he already heard about the zombie outbreak? Does he think I left Yeontan behind?

Groaning, you turned to your other side.

I promised Taehyung I would keep Tannie safe, it's the last thing I can do for him after he's already in a tough situation with his mother.

You shut your eyes, trying to take your mind off everything, trying to just relax for a moment. But of course, you still laid there, wide awake.

Jungkook's POV

I tossed and turned on the uncomfortable couch, trying to find a comfortable position. Giving up, I sat up.

I looked at the hallway, where the room Y/n's sleeping in was located. I stood up, to get a glass of water.

My mind was filled with so many thoughts. Most of them making my eyes teary, but I won't cry.

I sadly smiled remembering my best friend and I playing basketball and just having fun. I wonder where they were? Were they safe?

My friends were the closest thing to family I had. Ever since my parents move to the states to continue their acting careers, they completely cut off contact with me.

I haven't heard from them since, but I always see them continuing to grow big, pretending as if I never existed.

Do I care? No, not anymore at least. I had my friends to take care of me all these years, but I'm old enough to take care of myself.

I realized how much I started thinking about my parents, I pitied myself.

I heard a small shuffle coming from behind me. I immediately turned around, grabbing the closest object to me.

Gripping the broom tightly, I slowly walked forward. I heard the noise again, coming from one of the bags.

I held my breath and walked towards the noise, ready to attack whatever it was.

I unzipped the bag, and was about to hit whatever was inside when I saw 2 black eyes staring at me.

I dropped the broom and furrowed my brows in confusion. It was a dog? I slowly picked up the little guy, analyzing it to be sure whether or not it was dangerous.

After checking, I placed the tiny dog back in the bag, not zipping it. I pet the dog who relaxed, knowing I wasn't going to hurt him.

Slowly it fell asleep. I'll ask Y/n about it in the morning. Why did she bring a dog? She knows we are already in a touch situation, with low resources, and she brings another mouth to feed?

I clench my jaw at what Y/n did. Rubbing my forehead, I went back to the couch and tried to fall asleep.

Skip time~
Your POV

My eyes opened due to the smell of something tasty coming from down the hall. I stretched my arms out, and went to the bathroom to freshen up a little bit.

I went downstairs and saw Jungkook at the stove. I didn't notice until he turned around that he didn't have a shirt on.

My eyes widened at my cheeks turned a shade of rosy red.

"P-put a shirt on Jeon! I don't need to see t-this!" I said, stuttering and turning around.

Hearing no response from him, I called to him again.


"Why did you bring a dog with you?"

The playful smile that was on my face faltered from hearing what he said. I turned around, ignoring his exposed chest (and abs).


"Why did you bring a fucking dog with you? We can barely survive on our own let alone having to take care of dog that will do no good to us!"

I felt my eyes slightly water, tears threatening to come rushing out. I wasn't going to lie, I never heard him speak to me like that. And it was terrifying.

I saw his jaw unclench as his expression softened seeing my reaction.

"I-I.." I didn't know how to respond.

I looked down, feeling ashamed. I realized I was becoming a burden to him.

"That dog will be nothing but nuisance. What was the need of making our lives even harder Y/n?" he spit venom in his words.

"Out of all the people I have to survive with, of course it just happens to be you!" I said, crossing my arms and feeling hurt because of his harsh words.

"Be thankful that at least it's just me! Oh, and get used to it sweetheart, because for the time being, we're each others only hope to surviving." he said before walking back to the kitchen and glaring at me.

I rubbed my eyes, making sure no tears come out. I scooped up Yeontan in my arms. The dog looked up at me, with sad eyes, obviously understanding what Jungkook said.

Jungkook walked back to me and Yeontan, about to say some other harsh things, when Yeontan looks up at him and into his eyes.

Jungkook POV

Still mad, I walked back to Y/n who was now holding Yeontan. I was about to say something when Yeontan looked at me.

He gave me puppy dog eyes that I couldn't help but feel kind of guilty by. I looked up into Y/n's and almost instantly my eyes were locked onto hers.

Her sad eyes made me feel weird. They made me feel guilty and like I hurt her. It felt like I was just punched in the heart looking at her.

I shut my mouth tightly, and walked back to the kitchen, my gaze still on her.

Skip time~
Author POV

You sat on your bed, no matter what Jungkook said, you were going to keep Yeontan safe. You made a promise, and you weren't intending on breaking it.

Jungkook walked into your room. Avoiding eye contact, he spoke.

"We need to go into the city."

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