Feuding with Danny

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****Georgia's POV****

It became pretty clear once Yewande had gone that there was a divide between the group now. Danny, Arabella, Anton and Lucie has made their way down to near the pool whereas the rest of us went to one of the daybeds. I was on the bed and Tommy was behind me with his hand on my waist.

"A lot of heard decisions have been made. People have gone and I know friends have gone. I think what we need to remember is that we have each other. We're all in a good position right now..."

"But do we though." Amber said. "I'm not quite sure right now."

"Think about the couples that we are in, I think we're all in quite strong couples."

"I know some of you sat round here don't care Yewande's gone right now the rest of you I don't really now."

"I think we all just need to calm down."

"I just think you know people but you really don't, people are snakes in here and they'll turn on you very quickly." Amber said.

"Well let's not take away from the star she was and I know she effected all of our times in here." I said and held up my glass. "To Yewande."

"To Yewande."

I think things are going to be tense in here for a while, especially where Amber is concerned. I don't really know what to think to be honest, I know why he chose Arabella but I can't help but feel sorry for Yewande. She didn't get a second chance like some people have done in the past.

"This place is so unfair." I turned to Tommy and let him wrap his arms around me. "She deserves better than this."

"We've just got to remember that she had the time of her life in here and she's made great friends. She's going to find someone, I'm sure that perfect person is out there somewhere waiting for her."

"Do you believe we've all got someone for us?"

"Of course." Tommy replied. "It's just unfortunate that people settle for less or their paths don't meet."


I stayed on the daybed as the night progressed with Tommy, Molly, Amber and Jordan. I was facing towards the swing where Danny and Arabella were when suddenly they leaned in for a kiss.

"Look." I whispered and everyone turned to see them.

"The beds not even cold." Molly commented.

"It's like they don't even care that she's just gone." Amber said. "May as well just become my best friend and be the new Yewande."

I may not know how to feel about them coupling up but I do think that was a bit fast. I mean the girls been gone only a couple of hours And Yewande has already been replaced.

"They should have some more respect." Amber said. "Tell him to come over here and speak to me."

"Come here." Tommy said.

Danny came over and stood awkwardly at the top of the bed.

"Is there a problem?" Amber asked.

"Is there a problem? No."

"Just checking. It looks like there's an issue. So there was nothing said about any of us up there."

"They asked me what happened, I told them we kissed and I felt some awkwardness from you lot."

"Alright that's fine."

"Do you have a problem? Cause if you want to cause one then..."

"Does it look like I'm the type of person that creates or cusses a problem to happen?"

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