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****Georgia's POV****

We were all led about later on and I couldn't stop thinking about Amber and her date. I hope she was having fun because she really does deserve it and I hope he's a nice guy.

"We're back." I heard Chris shout. "Come and meet them."

I went over and there was a new blonde who we learned was called Harley and a brunette called India. They both seemed lovely and we all just wanted to make them feel welcome.

"Tell us about your dates then? How did you feel about the guys, Why did you pick them?" Molly asked.

"I mean Ovie's jut very nice to look at isn't he." Harley joked. "So that's why I picked him."

"He's so nice as well." Maura backed up. "So nice to chat to."

"So easy to chat to." Harley agreed. "I could have spoken to him all day."

"Did you get along?"

"Yeah really well. He was just so nice and as you all said, so easy to talk to."

"How was your date with Chris?" Molly asked India.

"Really good. He's so hilarious."

"Isn't he."

"We were literally crying on the date."

"Do you have things in common?"

"Yeah I feel like we're both wild. I don't know if that's dangerous though, but yeah it was really good."

"Do you have your eye on any other boys in the villa?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I like some of the others but obviously I need to see how they are with you guys." Harley said.

"Would you ever step on our toes?" I asked her.

"I mean if I had to but I think you're all so far on in here that very few of the boys heads would turn now."

"I do want to speak to Ovie as well." India said. "He's gorg."

"What's your usual type?"

"As cliche as it is, tall, dark and handsome. I think we're both really the same."

I think these two girls are both lovely but I think they're both going to go for Ovie so that could be awkward. I'm happy for him though, he could finally have found someone.


Later on Amber came through and she had a very good looking guy on her arm, nothing on Tommy though.

"Are you Irish?" I heard Maura ask as I walked over.

"I am."

"Irish people usually have chat, does he?" Jordan asked Amber.

"He does and he's really nice."

"Hi I'm Greg." He came over and gave me a hug.

"I'm Georgia. Did you have a good date?"

"Yeah it was really nice just to be alone with her. She's such a nice girl."

"She is."

I made my way over to the beanbags with Ovie and Amber.

"So he's a professional rugby player, training to be a solicitor with a law degree. The chat is there and the Irish accent is fantastic."

"Did you like him?" I asked.

"He's nice and that's all I'm saying. Everyone asks me to be open minded and not shut him down immediately."

"Even you saying he's nice is massive."

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