Chapter 4: I'm Not Jealous

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I hate school.

It's just as bad as I remember from last year. And the year before that. .And every year of school since seventh grade, maybe sixth.

Brittany wasn't in any of my classes, thank God-I guess she's not smart enough for that-but guess who was.

Aaron fucking Brewer.

Normally, that wouldn't be weird, but I'm in advanced placement classes, meaning that Aaron is either really fucking smart, or... I don't know.

But I refuse to believe that an egotistical jerk like him is capable of having a brain.

I refuse.

So, I walk into my English class and his is the first fucking face I see.

Same goes for History, and Math, and Health.

Oh, and apparently he was in my Chemistry class too.

How fucking weird is that? I didn't even notice him.

Granted, that was probably because I was too busy receiving two hours of detention to notice him, courtesy of Mr. Griffith.


I blink and turn to meet Gabs' eyes. "You okay?"

I smile. "Why wouldn't I be?"

She stares at me a little while longer before returning her attention to Gracie, who is talking about puppies.

"Cassie!" yells a familiar voice from the back of the classroom.

I sigh and turn around in my seat to meet Aaron's eyes. "Brewer."

He smirks at me. "Guess what?"

We now have the attention of the entire classroom, excluding the teacher, who is in the bathroom.

That reminds me, I need to make sure I congratulate her on having the bright idea of leaving thirty teenagers in a room together. That's fucking genius, I mean, what could go wro-

Some kid just jumped out the window.

We're only on the first floor of the building but...


"Cassie," Aaron says, redirecting my attention back to him.

I blink and look at Aaron. "Oh, um... are you being taken away by the government to a secret holding facility because they want to discover how you're able to live without a brain?" I smile sweetly at him as the rest of the class laughs.

Surprisingly, no one's concerned about the boy that jumped out the window.

Wow, never thought I'd say that; this school is fucking nuts.

"That's funny, Cassie," he says in between his laughter. "But no."

"Aw," I groan, pretending to be disappointed. "Then what?"

"I have detention. For two hours."

My mouth drops open.

Two hours in a room, basically unsupervised-everybody knows that the detention monitors leave for most of the detention block and come back when there's five minutes left-with him.

"Fuck me," I groan.

"Sorry," he smirks. "But you're not my type."

Laughter from the class.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess your type is desperate bimbo then, huh?"

More laughter.

"Please, like you don't want me?"

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