Chapter 40: Fuck Off

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Aaron's point of view:

I'm gonna tell her.

I am going to tell her.

This is my moment.

I've got myself hyped up, completely ready to tell Cassie how I feel.

I'm going to do it.

And then she turns around and hands me the sandwich i asked her to make for me—so I could have more time to work up my nerve to tell her how I feel.

Correction: I was going to tell her how I felt.

There's just something about looking into her eyes that does something to me, makes me so much more nervous.

Her eyes are beautiful. Everything about her is beautiful, but her eyes especially.

"Are you going to take the sandwich, or..."

I break out of my thoughts to see Cassie staring at me with a weird look on her face, and i realize I zoned out.

I take the sandwich from her and lift it to my mouth to take a bite.

Her eyes remain trained on my mouth.

I stop lifting the sandwich to my mouth and place it on the napkin in front of me.

"Cassie, you like me, right?"

Her eyes widen, and she looks away from me, diverting her eyes to the island surface.

What hurts, though, is that she doesn't answer.

Wait, that means yes, right?

I stare at her waiting for her answer, and she eventually lifts her eyes to mine.

Right as she opens her mouth, barking and the sound of paws hitting the floor enter the room, and Cassie laughs as the three of her dogs crowd around her.

I crack a smile and watch on.

Blue turns around and sees me, and just when I think she's about to huff at me, she walks closer and nudges my hand with her head.

I watch her, waiting to see if this is a trick, but when he nudges my hand again I slowly reach up and ruffle her ears, hesitant with my motions.

She comes even closer to me and I grow more confident with my movements.

Blue lets out a sigh against my body, and I smile down at her.

She's a really cute dog. And, for some strange reason, she reminds me of Cassie.

"I guess she likes you," Cassie says, and I look up to see her eyes burning into mine.

Burning into mine like she's trying to tell me something, trying to get some secret message across.

Before I can ask her a question about what that secret message might be—because I'm not catching on—the doorbell rings.

Zeus and Pickles immediately shoot off like bullets to bark at the door, barking, Blue staying next to me, and I shoot Cassie a confused look. "You expecting anyone?"

She returns my look with her own face of confusion and shakes her head. "No." She pauses, thinking. "Do you think Girl Scouts sell cookies in December?"

I have to laugh at that one.

I stand up from the island and start walking towards the door, Blue trotting along next to me, keeping pace with my steps.

Beautiful dog.

As soon as I step into the front hallway, the excited barks of Pickles and Zeus fill my ears, and I fight a wince.

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