His not just mouth watering but also panty watering hot muscular back

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Jane's pov

"Hey, Jane." I looked up to see Eva, her face beaming up with a broad smile. "Have my parcel arrived yet?"

"Yup."I let her know and continued typing some E-mails on my computer rather than watching her die with excitement. Luckily parcel had arrived this morning when Luke was in shower, so only I was there to fetch it.

"Where is it?"

"Just a minute." I clicked the button enter and sighed finally reaching at break. Opening the drawer, I took out her parcel and handed over her.

I cringed when she frantically tore apart the cover and opened the box. Her eyes lit up with astonishment as if she just saw one of the wonders of world. "Look at the beauties." She exclaimed.

I snickered at her reaction, "I'd rather spend my money on food than this latex."

"You can also eat this, honey." She said wiggling her brows.

I shook my head in disbelief and stood up with some files which I just remembered that Leo needs to sign them.
"Where are going?" Eva asked putting a packet back into the box that she was sniffing creepily.

"Mr. Vincenzo's office." I shrugged nonchalantly founding my way through the door.

"Holy shit!" My steps halted and looked back at her, "I just forgot to tell you that he called this morning and said that he wouldn't be able to make it to office due to his poor health."

"Poor health?" I inquired worriedly. He seemed fine this morning when we went gym, then what happened to him now?

"Yeah. He didn't sound good when he called. I'm really worried for him since he has no one who can take care of him in this condition." replied Eva with a worried tone.

It didn't feel good when she said he had no one who could take care of him. But she was right though, his parents died in a tragic accident when he was just a kid. He had no one in his family besides an uncle who was accused of illegal conversion of black money two years ago and sent to prison by FBI. It's a good thing that he had his own separate company, and Leo didn't have any business with him otherwise it could have affected ours.

Back to the point, My pervert boss was sick and alone in his big mansion. What if his condition was serious that could have led him to death?

My job. Oh my god, I don't want to die with hunger and cold breeze in streets.

"Gotta go." I hurriedly placed the pile of files over the box in her hand that made her stumble a bit but she made it in the end and didn't let the things fall.

"But where?" She yelled from behind me.

"To make sure we won't lose our job." I yelled back, hurriedly running towards elevator in my Five inches heels. There was a moment when I was about to trip on stairs, but luckily a guard saved my lucky ass.

It didn't take me long to reach at Leo's mansion since I knew the address.

Thanks to the nose crinkling day when one of his slut called me to brought a new dress to her in his mansion because her dress was ripped off by my dear boss.

I parked my car in front of the huge black gate, and stepped out. Pressing a red button on the side wall of gate, I announced, "Hey, Iris, it's me—Jane Sanders, Mr. Vincenzo's Personal assistant. Can you please open the door for me?"

A robotic voice came from the speaker, "Hello Ms. Sanders. Let me make a quick call to Leo."

I waited for awhile before the voice came again, "You can come in, Ms. sanders."
The gate automatically opened and I let myself in. When I'd first come here, I was completely amazed by Iris more than the mansion. Iris was his artificial intelligence who maintained the security of mansion and followed his commands.

Sometimes I really wonder on myself that I think I'm lucky that I work for Leonardo.

A wooden door that leads to interior opened and I stepped in. There was no wonder that I would get lost in the huge mansion if Iris hadn't been assisting me to Leo's room.

When I entered, he was lying on his stomach, his hair was a perfect mess. I frowned when I saw black pads under his eyes. I moved my eyes to his alluring, not just mouth watering but also panty watering hot muscular back, red sheets covering half of his naked body.

And I guess, drool just dribbled from my mouth.

"Stop eye raping me and come here." Leo mumbled against the pillow, his voice was hoarse. I've been suddenly pulled out of my wet thoughts for good.

Damn you, my forlorn vagina!

I walked up to him, and placing my hand on his head checked the temperature. His temperature was really higher than normal.
"You're hot."

"I know." He said proudly, and I rolled my eyes.

"Your have fever." I added, drawing my hand back to me. "Where I can found any antipyretic?"

"First drawer in bathroom." He groaned covering his face with pillow. I nodded and found my way to the bathroom.

The moment I opened the first drawer as he had instructed me, My eyes widened and I cursed him from the bottom of my heart. There were condoms of different flavours rather than medicine. I used to think that condoms come only in chocolate flavour, but the view in front of me proved me wrong. They were of mint, grape, orange, banana, strawberry, bubblegum, chocolate, vanilla, bacon, and cola flavour. Besides that, there were liquor condoms too.


I closed the drawer shut and opened another. Finally I released a breath that I was holding for god knows why, and grabbing an antipyretic marched out of the bathroom.

"Leo, take the tablet." I called him while patting his shoulder, but he groaned and rolled over.

Great. Now my boss is acting like a kid.

Taking off the heels, I crawled onto the bed and made an attempt to pull him up against my chest. "Damn, you're heavy. Try to get up, Leo."

When He pushed himself up, I gripped his shoulders and let his heavy body lean against my chest. He propped his head on my shoulder and all of a sudden my heart started racing.

I gently pushed him a little bit away so I could help him taking the tablet. When I finally succeeded, I again let him prop his face on my shoulder.

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