Are you on Viagra?

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Warning! This chapter contains explicit content. If you're not 18+ then please skip it, and if you're then enjoy;)


I opens my eyes to the dimly lit room, though it is daytime no-one has opened the thick drapes. I squints, dry mouth sticky with thick saliva and moans before retreating under the duvet.
It's that feeling. The hangover. I shouldn't have had five glasses of martini last night. Now My brain feels like it would swell beyond the capacity of my skull. Well aside from this, there is soreness between my legs. I've seen many people with woozy states experiencing symptoms of severe hangover like headache and nausea. So, as far as I know, the soreness between legs isn't considered in hangover.

Then why the hell am I feeling this right now?

And then I suspect movement beside me. Suddenly, I feel rattled with uncertainty.

Feeling sick with apprehension, I extend my arm and reach the other side of bed. My hand touches something abrasive. Alarmed, I sit up removing the duvet in process to see Leo, sleeping peacefully.


Panic begins rushing into my veins as my eyes study my naked body.

I gasp seeing the sight of my breasts.


We'd slept together last night.

Having five glasses of martini was a terrible choice. To make things worse, I don't remember losing my virginity. The only thing I could recall from the soreness between my legs is the feeling of him inside me.

It must've been a rough night, I bet.

Sending a quick glance in his way, I got up with quivering legs while holding the railings for support.

I rush into bathroom and turn on the shower. My head is still throbbing and I want to puke all of my guts out. The second thing I'll do after taking shower is gulping at least two tablets of tylenol. First is obviously making a dick shake of Leonardo's dick for breakfast, if it still breakfast time.

Speaking of his dick, Did he use protection last night? It's hard to tell since we're too stony for that.

I just begin rubbing my chest to remove the black ink marks when the sound of door opening makes me jump. Leo towers behind me under the shower. To Pretend like a timid teenage girl who had sex first time in her life is a complete waste of time and energy. Seriously dude, the guy has already seen me naked, and if I want to pee in front of him, it won't be a big deal either.

"Look Jane what you've done to me last night." He whispers into my ear, hand leisurely reaching my navel.

"I didn't do anything." I defend myself, "You're the one who ravaged my vagina with your anaconda like large dick!"

He snickers, "Bombshell, is that a compliment?"

"Off course n—" I whirl around and eat my words back as I come face to face with him. The sword who has been ravaging my vagina all night long is now standing erect in pride. "Are you on Viagra?" I ask curiously.

His lips twitch up as he slowly moves towards me. "Darling, I'm Viagra." The space between us that has been separating our naked bodies is now seems to reduce.

I gasp as the cold tiles hit my back and he cages me with his arms either side of me. Suddenly, The pace of my heart reaches to another level as he leans in and whispers huskily, "Have you seen the artwork you carved on my skin?" I swallowed running my eyes from his neck to the bare chest. His abdomen is covered with black inks that read my name. Aside from this, there's some bite marks ascending from his chest and continues to neck.

I can feel the warmth of the blush as it crawls up my neck. In attempt to hide it I turn my face away from his piercing gaze.

How ironical. I've been trying to save my virginity till my marriage and here I'm blushing while admiring the work that the drunk and horny Jane has done on her boss's body. Plus, I'm also terribly aroused right now.

"I won't mind if you do that again." Said he, nuzzling my hair. I nibble on my bottom lip to prevent a moan as he sucks the sensitive area below my ear. The blush that crept upto my neck is now turned into fire. Darn, I'm giving into him. "What do you say? Shall we rewind the night? But this time we'll be in our senses. Couldn't say if you lose yours in the mid of our heating session." He snickers at the last part.

It's unbelievable yet natural that I want to have sex with him again. Honestly, I don't need anyone to describe me how my last night went. Without any doubt I can tag it as mind blowing night of my life since I can still feel his dick in me. Yet, I want to do it again with all of my senses on.

It is hard to believe how I eagerly wanted to make dick shake of his dick awhile ago, but now  I want to grab his dick and push him inside me. Just a little warmth of his skin and I become so weak. Just a mere spark of his touch and I turn into fire.

"Put a condom on." I rasp grabbing his hair and lifting his head up to meet my eyes.

A frown finds its way between his brows. "I'm clear, I've checked last month." He states and returns back to caress my neck with his soft kisses.

"Last month? What the fuck Leo, Last month is too long!" I try to push him away but he doesn't even budge. He raises his head for a second just to dip again and attack my left nipple. Defenceless, I grab his hair and throw my head back to savour the intense pleasure.

"Chill, I didn't sleep with
anyone after that." He reassures me as he kneels before me and makes his way to my inner thigh.

I can't believe how he managed himself without sex for a whole month. And then an idea of him pleasing himself comes in mind.
I immediately push it away and pay my attention to the tongue that skilfully tracing a delicious pattern on my clit.

"Mm, Yes." I moan grabbing his hair and further pushing myself into his mouth. He pushes my one leg over his shoulder while continuing the manoeuvre with his tongue. "So....good." My legs is shaking and a strange feeling  Starts clustering in the pit of my stomach, preparing for explosion.

"You taste so good." He mumbled and then suddenly, my stomach clench up and an explosion erupts throughout my entire body. It feels overwhelming but so awesome at the same time. He towers in front of me, grabs me through my waist and with a jerk, flips me around. I feel a jolt as he thrusts in me from behind. Clasping my breasts, he buries his head in the crook of my neck and continues his deep thrusts. "Feel.....So.....Good..." He whispers.

" He whispers

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