Chapter 6: Family, Pride, and...

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3rd POV

Everything was deathly silent, not a word spoken as they all watched with shocked eyes at the new I.S that had arrived in the stadium.

"A full body type?" Ichika asked, breaking the silence as he stared at the person he still thought of as his brother

Cecilia nodded "There hasn't been a full body type such as this since the prototypes that were meant for space travel," She didn't even seem to mind telling Ichika about it, perhaps because of the shock of it.

"...". Yn stood there for a second before pushing off the ground and making his way into the air near them.

It was odd with the view. Comparing the two other I.S' with his, they seemed rather small, or rather, his seemed big and bulky.

"Before we begin, I'd like to ask you both a question," Yn suddenly spoke up, his voice remaining the same as ever, "I'd like to know, why is it that you fight? In one word, please give me an answer. An honest one would be most desirable," He told them "If you cannot answer, I shall try to bring up a suitable answer for you, and you may judge my answer accordingly."

They both seemed to glance at each other for a moment, but both could not come to a conclusion, and therefore remained silent.

"Very well..." he said as he stopped in a moment of thought.

"...Family" Cecilia finally spoke up. Her expression was one that showed how serious she was. "I do this for my family."

"I understand," he nodded once "After your parents died in the tragic crash, you were left with all the inheritance, and the people close to your parents, distant family members, friends and coworkers alike, all wished to convince you to give it to them seeing how you did not know how to manage everything your family left you, on your own. The solution came in the form of the I.S, which you had an A-Rank compatibility with. The British government promised to lend you aid with everything in exchange for you to be their representative contender. Overall, Family is only a sixty-six," he explained, and she was baffled.

"How do you know all that?!" She nearly yelled, "That...that was supposed to be covered up! And what does that number mean?!"

"My knowledge of the incidences and pasts of all representative contenders is quite vast, knowing the more about your opponent can allow you to use weakness' that they may have from their lives, and so I made sure to memorize everything I could find," he told her as if it were a natural thing to do. He did not explain what it was that the number had meant, but it was somehow irritating to her.

"..." Ichika was still in thought, wondering what it was he was fighting for, but it didn't last long for Yn spoke for him.

"You, Ichika, fight for your pride, and the pride of your sister," he gave his answer, and Ichika couldn't really deny it, and nodded after hearing it. It was what got him into this mess in the first place.

"You let your pride get in the way. You may still believe that men are superior, while in this world, at the present time, men stand below women. That is what you yourself indicated back in the classroom, a foolish action. It was even explained to you that women could beat men all over the world in less then a week with the use of the I.S, yet you, a beginner, decided to challenge not one, but two representative contenders. You begrudgingly deny the fact that you are outclassed in terms of Knowledge, Skill, Technology, Strategy, Training, and Experience. For a reason unknown that remains unknown, you still somehow believe you have a chance at winning, when there was none to begin with. Maybe it was your practice duel with the instructor that ended in your victory that made you think that you had a chance, when the reality of the situation was that you only dodged once, she slammed into the wall and knocked herself unconscious. That in itself is also questionable, for the I.S should have protected her from the impact and passing out. It could even be stated that she may have been told by your sister to let you win, for I doubt that a previous representative contender would lose to an amateur such as yourself, being the first time you were ever actually in an I.S. This can go further into explaining why I had picked pride, because it is not just your own, but your sister. I doubt she'd want a brother that she would find useless."

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