Chapter 18: Germany's Respect

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3rd POV

It was an awkward silence as the three people, to students and their teacher walked past the lines of reporters that were trying to get a big story out of the appearance of yet another representative contender alongside the first male pilot.

None spoke, all of them showed no emotion, making for a great picture for the news reporters of how professional they were all being. It was quite the picture, the winner of the Third Mundo Grondo, the third Brunhilde, Kaede Neroile, the supersoldier and representative contender from Germany, Laura Bodewig, and finally, the rising star of the world, the representative contender and one nicknamed the Ghost, Yn (L/n).

It would have been the perfect picture if the three would look over at any of the cameramen, but they didn't even spare a glance as they made their way back to the limousine in order to get back to the academy to have enough time to have Yn show Laura around before classes started. 

None of them spoke the entire ride back, both students keeping quiet for the simple reason that there was nothing to speak about, they were both trained to be soldiers, they could be patient and quiet if they needed, but it seemed like both preferred it. 

The only one that was different was Kaede, for her silence was not out of having nothing to speak about, in fact, she had many things to say to both Laura and Yn, but she couldn't even open her mouth to voice any of them, she was too lost in her own mind about what she had heard. 

Laura asked Yn if he really was the monster that Chifuyu told her about...and his response...

" merely a ghost. I am her ghost, her monster...Therefore, I am just a soldier."

His response was...frightening, but true. Everything he said was the truth, and it wasn't one that could easily be understood by regular people, and she doubted Laura even understood the meaning behind it. But Kaede did, all too well.

If she were to use the same thought process, both Kirin and Kuro were her ghosts, but they were not monsters, they could never be to her, they were both far too precious. And Yn? To her, he was...He was truly...

Like he said. He's just a soldier, huh?

Glancing over at him, she sighed. If it was the way he saw himself, there was nothing she could do at the moment, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt to hear. 

Before she even realized it, they were entering the academy, and another profound sigh escaped her lips as she turned to her two students. 

"Alright, Phantom, show her around, give her the basic layout and get her schedule and room ready before class starts."

"Understood. This way, please," Kaede started to make her way back to finalize the paperwork of Laura arriving and transferring into her class, but she was cut off as a familiar student stopped her in the halls. 

"Is there something I can help you with, miss Alcott?" 

Cecilia was standing right in front of her, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself by what she could tell, it seemed whatever she was going to ask made her a bit nervous.

"Yes, I have a request to make of you." 

Kaede could see that Cecilia was serious about this, and all the exhaustion she had been feeling instantly disappeared. She thought it was just going to be a question, but after a few observations, she could tell that Chifuyu's student wanted a favor, something big too, but she wasn't going to say no without hearing it first. 

"I can't stand having such a disgrace as the class representative any longer, it is far too shameful for Ichika to be the leader of our class. He's too unqualified and stupid to understand any responsibility or the I.S. Not to mention that the rate at which we learn about techniques and the I.S is much slower compared to other classes, Miss Orimura deliberately keeping things simple and slow so Ichika can keep up, but he's still failing. So..."

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