(2) - The Club

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Autumn's POV

I still couldn't believe it. I was fired today and there was nothing I could do about it. Nothing. I left the company, feeling heartbroken and utterly useless. I lost the one job I truly loved. The job I wholeheartedly worked months to get, only for it to come crashing down in seconds. With the business degree, I rightfully earned through hard work, I can get any job I want but that's not the point.

I loved the company and everyone that worked there. The office was welcoming and lively, a great space for me, and was one of the chattiest offices in New York. Everything was homey and family-like, and everyone would work comfortably with each other.

Something that I loved.

And don't get me started on Mr. Ray.

Mr. Ray was the most understanding and sympathetic boss I ever met.

He was patient yet observant, kind-hearted and generous. He treated me like one of his own when he didn't need to and there was Sarah. Sarah was the co-worker you could talk to hours on end and laugh with. I didn't mind the boring paperwork because I could laugh with her and talk to her if I needed to.

All in all, everyone was so kind and friendly. The office was second nature to me and now it's gone.

As I sit here on my couch eating ice cream, I think about all the good memories I had. It is pathetic really but it's the only way I can get my mind off it.

"Hello, bitches!" My roommate slash best friend yells, bursting through the apartment door.

"Hey," I mumbled weakly, not in the mood for anything except Ben and Jerry's. These guys will never let you down I swear. Who needs boyfriends when you have them? Am I right?

Nessa notices my mood. Setting down her keys on the kitchen counter, she walks over to me. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know," I play with the ice cream with my spoon, not wanting to go into the problem at hand.

"Autumn, you never eat Ben and Jerry's unless there was something wrong," Damn, she knows me well.

"Did Uncle Lanner die?" She asks, her eyes filled with hope. Why does she always assume that?

"No, he did not. Ness, when are you going to let that go?"

"Never and awe. I was hoping he did." She said, now taking a seat next to me.

"He didn't mean it," I say but she turns her head at me.

"Seriously?! That asshat left me in a ditch to die!! Who the heck does that? I will never forgive him for that. No matter if he was on medication or not,"

I laugh but then shut up when I realize what I was sad about in the first place.

"Autumn, what's wrong?" She asks worriedly. I didn't want to tell her because that would mean I really did get fired.

"I got fired." I blurt out, a little too fast.

"What?! How? But you loved that job." She explains sympathetically as she grabs my hand for comfort.

"The company was in a financial crisis so they had to let people go." She shakes her head in understanding before getting up with a face of determination.

Oh no, I know that look. I don't like it. That's the look that got us into trouble.

"No," I tell her. Nessa innocently grins, pressing her lips together. There's nothing innocent about that grin.

"What? But you didn't even know what I was going to say." She pouts, making me turn away.

"I don't need to know, Ness. I hate it when you do that. It always backfires with your plans and schemes." I get up irritated from my spot on the couch, my ice cream and spoon in hand, as I enter the kitchen. Ness follows me, still telling me about her so-called plan.

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