(13) - The CEO

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Birthday Special! Okay, now enjoy.

Autumn's POV

Sitting outside of her office, I was scared. I will admit it. This is the fifth time I was late and this is not good. My co-worker, Leah, told me that our boss, Ms. Matthews wanted to see me immediately once I entered the building. I am totally not freaking out right now. Such a lie.

I am shaking out of nerves so much, I might as well be at the North Pole freezing to death. I have to calm down fast, maybe the situation is not bad as it seems. Okay, I'm only kidding myself. I'm going to get fired today. What other explanation explains why want to see me? Eat and chat. No, this is not the Ellen show, no matter how much I wish it was.

"Ms. Black, she will see you now," The secretary tells me, leading me to the devil's office. She sounded so creepy when she said that. She probably gets that from Ms. Matthews.

Not to be rude but in truth our boss is the devil herself. She is very disrespectful in more ways than one. She treats her employees like trash and how she is still here is beyond me. Everyone is scared of her including me.

Knocking on the door with nervous knuckles, I know I'm going to die. Crap. Just go in, Autumn!

"Come in!" Slowly pushing the door, it creaks making me cringe at the sound. Even her office is scary. Just like her.

"Take a seat." No questions asked, I do what she asks. I sit down on the black leather seat keeping my heartbeat down by my deep breaths.

"Do you know why you were called in here?" She taps her long polished nails on the desk board, patiently waiting for an answer.

"N-no," I stutter not wanting to be here other than my bed. I felt like a child being scolded by her parents when she broke a vase. It was utterly ridiculous I was feeling this way but I was and I hated it.

"Are you sure? Miss Black, you should think again if you want a job," She states, her cold eyes staring at me. Straight in the eye that sends me shivers down to my spine.

Why are you so scared Autumn?! She's just a person. 

I cough while straightening my body posture, attempting to build the lack of confidence that I desperately need.

"I'm so sorry about this morning. I had a emergency with my-"

She slams her hand on the desk hard. I jump in fright at the sound. "Did I ask?" You did ask, that's why I was answering you back.

"No, I didn't so shut your trap and listen." I flinch at her voice of tone. I was listening the first time, she didn't have to be so rude.

I nod, not trusting my voice to speak. I want to cry so bad but it will get worse if I do.

"Now, now. Did you hear the news?" She grimaces wickedly, I didn't like where this was going. I'm getting a terrible vibe from her and I didn't want anything to do with it or her.

I shake my head unsure of what she's applying and what does the news have to do with me.

"The company's CEO is going to make an appearance. Ah." She moans making me want to get of the sound out of my head by hitting my head on the desk multiple times and clogging my ears for the rest of my life.

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