Bitter Sweet Reality

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Chapter 12

A year had passed since Netherworld lost its second princess, its royal family lost a beloved member.......and Ash lost another one of his precious children....His youngest daughter.

Sometimes it was hard to comprehend with everything in life. When he returned from his yearly trip, his family had expected to find a broken castle, but what they found was worse. They found broken hearts.

Everyone was speechless at seeing Jake again, but he was too overwhelmed by his little sister's death, that he was not in the mood for a family reunion. Ace had revealed the whole series off events that took place in the King's absence.

Lucifer was found, and given the punishment of execution. Adrian was to suffer the same fate as well, but Lumina had intervened and his sentence was changed to banishment from the kingdom, till further notice.

Ash seriously had no idea about what to do. He was shocked to hear the story relayed to him, and devastated by learning of his daughter's sacrifice.

Deep down though, he was proud to be the father-and the uncle-of such strong, brave and courageous people. Oh, how he wished his wife, Rivi, was here with him right now. She had long ago, left everyone in an accident.

"Ash?" Nidra called. She had come with everyone to her niece's final resting place. The children, excluding Alex, Alexis and Amelia, had wordlessly left a while back. She did not stop them. No one did. Nidra noticed that her brother was in deep thought, but then he looked at her and weakly smiled.

He was trying to be strong for everyone, but she could see the pain and sadness, deep in his eyes.

"Uncle Lee ever coming back?" Alexis asked. Nidra looked away to hide her tears as he picked her daughter up and spoke.

"Lee's in a better place now. She is happy and safe....With her mother and brother.." Alexis was confused. It was so long since she had seen Ashleigh. Mommy, Uncles, Cousins, Aunties-everyone-said that she was safe. But where?

"I miss her uncle Ash! I cannot find her anywhere! And when I call her, she doesn't answer me! Ashy always answers me..... So where is she??" the little girl demanded.

Zen felt tears trickle down, as he heard his niece's outcries. "Yeah Daddy........Where is Leah? And why did brother go away? Also, what are we doing here???" asked his own twins, Alex and Amelia. "You heard your uncle, kids. She is in a nice place." Answered Aviana, his little sister.

Affectionately, he squeezed her hand and closed his eyes. This was too much.

Kai's heart felt as if it was being pierced each time any one of the kids would ask questions related to Ashleigh's 'disappearance'. But......obviously he and the others could not break down in front of them.

So the heartache would be locked inside and when alone, be allowed to burst free. Ashleigh had been like a daughter to Kai. Her absence hurt. A lot.

However, everyone knew that all their misery was nothing compared to the torment the children, who were with her during her last moments, were going through.

"Lexi...Look, does not matter at all where exactly your cousin is. The only important thing is that wherever she is, nothing and no one can harm her anymore. You may not be able to see her, but she is always with you." Spoke Aviana, softly.

"Auntie Avi is right Alexis. Remember this. Ashleigh Blaze, is a hero. She loved you a lot. She.....She is in your heart. In everyone's hearts. We loved her, and always will. But we must....move on. Now Lee would not want to see little Lexi sad, right? So be happy. And don't forget, she is always with us. Watching over us."

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