Importance of the Game

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“WHAT THE HELL! THEY CANT DO THAT!” I screamed, throwing my arms up in utter frustration.

“Actually they can. And they did. But we’re not the only team that has been cut. The golf and tennis team have both been cut.” She informed me.

I didn’t care if the stupid tennis team of freaking golf team got cut! Our soccer team got cut! I was so pissed I was seeing red. I wanted to punch someone or something! I wanted to drop kick whoever decided this!

“AHHHH!” I screamed. I paced the grounds throwing my arms around as the other girls bombarded coach with millions of complaint.

I could feel my anger boiling away, and turning into confused frustration and sadness. I wanted to throw up! Maybe scream some more.
Actually, I really want to punch that guy who rolled the goal off the field.

“Girls!” coach said loudly getting our attention.

“I’m sorry. I don’t like this anymore then you do, but I can’t do anything about it. I will inform your parents of our... misfortune. I know you girls will do great thing without this program.” she finished. Coach looked like she was unable to say anything else and the rest of us were still going through shock.

Coach let out a sigh and turned on her heel, and walked off the field. The team, disappointed, followed suit and left, leaving me alone on the field.

Soccer… The sport I love. The sport that my dad taught me. The sport that my dad and I used to talk about all the time. When he passed, I turned to soccer. I kicked that ball around, and I felt my dad with me. I felt closer to him when I played, and even closer when I made the varsity team. My dad played on his high school varsity team, that’s why I worked so hard to get on the varsity team. Now it’s as if a rug was pulled from underneath me.

“Summer?” Bryce hollered, jogging up behind me.


“What happened? Why are they leaving?” Bryce asked glancing over his shoulder to glance at my team as they left.

“They-they cut the team…” I whispered.

“What?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I tried to say it again but I couldn’t. I felt my knees buckle, and Bryce caught me. I hugged him as if I would float away if I didn’t. “They cut the team Bryce!” I cried.

“WHAT?! They can’t do that!” he exclaimed.

I whimpered in response.

Bryce hugged me tighter. “I’m so sorry Summer.”

Bryce was the only one who knew the importance soccer held for me. It was like that nightlight a kid needed to sleep at night, or that teddy bear they hug tightly when they’re scared or frightened. Soccer is my life…

Bryce moved to where we were sitting down in the grass. He pulled away so he could look me in the eyes. I sniffled a little bit and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand.

“Maybe there’s something we can do.” Bryce said.

“Yeah, like what?” I asked sarcastically.

“I don’t know but we can come up with something. I’m not going to let them take this away from you.”

I looked up at him with a confused gaze, “Why?”

He smiled and intertwined our fingers, “Because I know how important soccer is to you.”

I thought about this for a moment. I’m positive we would come up with something. He and I were a force to be reckoned with. We would fight tooth and nail to the very end. We wouldn't stop until they brought back the girls team. But I know that this will not only take awhile, it would only drag him down. And if I dragged him down he wouldn't be able to concentrate on his team. And if he couldn't concentrate on his own team, then he would most likely loose his soccer scholarship...

He's worked so hard, hell, he's still working hard for that scholarship, and I don’t want to be the reason he doesn’t get it.

“Bryce, I know that you’re trying to help me, but I need to do this on my own.” I said wiping away the last of my tears and forced a smile.

He shook his head in disbelief, “Why?”

I hung my arms around his neck, “Because I know how important it is for you.” I said placing a kiss on his nose.


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