Fool-Proof Plan

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Bryce looked at me in shock “Are fucking kidding me!?”

“I wish. I just don’t understand why Jazz hates me. Just because I didn’t go to her party and…” I trailed off until my voice was inaudible.

“Jazz is a two faced bitch Summer. She thrives on trying to ruin people.” He said, encircling his arms around me. Ahh, so guys to see through Jazz’s fakeness. Or maybe that’s just another way to prove Bryce loves me. Every guy goes into shock over her giant fake boobs, so they never realize how terrible she is, because they all want to get in her skinny jeans. But my Bryce saw past that and saw her for what she truly was. Fake and bitchy.

I rested my head on Bryce’s chest, “This sucks.”

“I know it does, babe.” He said, rubbing my back in an attempt to comfort.

“I need to tell the other girls.” I said, pulling away.

I reached ino my back pocket and pulled out my phone.

Me: Might have found a chance for the team. Meet on the field in 10 minute.

I slid it back into my pocket, and reached for Bryce’s hand. I’m going to need all the strength I can get right now.


I walked onto the field. The air was warm and wet, making my wavy hair untamable. There were grey clouds over head and a rumbling of thunder in the distance. I could see my team lingering on the field. Some were sitting on the grass, some on the bench, others just standing.

This small sliver of a chance we have could work. It could also turn into a huge and utter disaster! What if I made things worse by making this deal? It’s one thing being tod your team is cut and having to find another one, but a whole other thing if he put your heart and soul into something and crash and burn.

Bryce noticed how my breath quickened nervously. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. I gave him a nervous smile before stepping onto the field. The girls noticed me and rushed over to me. “

“What happened?” Clair asked.

“Did we get are team back?” Jasmine questioned.

More questions were thrown in my direction and I started to answer, but I was bombarded with more questions.

“I-…yes, but-… no-…Just-… GIRLS!” I shouted.

The questions stopped and they all looked at me, waiting patiently. I took a deep breath, “We got our team back-“ they all started to cheer and high-five, “-but, we didn’t get the funds.” I finished.

The girls stopped mid-high-five, and looked at me, confused.

“So nothing’s changed.” Sami said, crossing her arms.

“Not necessarily. We’ve been allowed to play out the season.”

“Well how the hell are we supposed to do that with no funds?” Liz asked.

I let out a loud sigh, “Look, here’s the deal. Mr. Bickle said that if we can go to state without the help of our coach and without the use of the school money then he’ll fund the team again.”

“How are we supposed to get to state without the guidance of our coach? That’s like expecting high school dropout to get into Harvard.” Jasmine pointed out.

“We’ll coach each other.”  I told them.

“How-“ Kimmie started to say, but I cut her off, “We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. Kimmie and Clair are our best shooters. Jasmine you know how to volley the ball better than anyone I know. Lynn is the best goalie this team has seen in years. Liz, Sami and Ashley know more than a thing or two on defending the goal. Sandy and Jenna know better than all of us on how to stay on our mark, and “attack the ball” when needed. See, we can all teach each other something and together we can make this team stronger.”

The girls all smiled at each, acknowledging each other’s greatness.

“While that’s all great and stuff Summer, there still come the problem of paying for everything. Its going to cost at least 85$ for each bus ride, and double that for any tournament we go to. We have at 14 games and 4 tournaments. Where are we going to find that kind of money Summer?” Sandy asked.

That was the party of my plan that I had yet to work out. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

“We all put in $170.  I know it’s a lot for some of us but we can have bake sales and car washes like the clubs do to raise money.” I told them.

The girls shared nervous looks. It was a lot to ask for. Some were working multiple jobs to save up for college, or to buy a car to get around in. Money was tight for every family, especially with how bad our economy was right now. And it seems like college tuition keeps going up while everyone’s salary keeps going down.

“Girls, we can do this. Just think of how we’ll impress talent scout if we can go to state without a coach. The scholarships will be pouring in from all over the nation.” I said. This is what they all needed to hear.

The girls nervous looks melted away into hopeful ones.

“I’m in.”

“So am I.”

“Me too!”

They all started say. My anxiety melted away, as the girls came in for a group hug.

“This year will be the best year yet!” Clair shouted.

Our happiness was cut short by the sound to 11 different notification ringtones.

Everyone pulled out their phone and read the text. My jaw dropped. “Oh no…”

RANDOM #: Britney Lowell is pregnant with Gus York’s child.

“Brit’s pregnant?!” The girls started to ask.

I scanned the group of girls and realized that Brit wasn't among us.

“I’ll be right back.” I said, leaving the girls in shock.

I ran passed Bryce, who was leaning against the fence. “Summer!?” he yelled after me.

“Help me find Brit!” I yelled back.

I needed to find her. She’s probably an emotional wreck. She didn’t want anyone else to know. She wanted to just keep quiet about this for as long as possible. Who found out though? Who sent out this mass text? Did it just go to the team? Or, I gulped; did it go to the whole school?

Who did this? The only ones who knew were, Bryce, Gus and me… Then I remembered Jazz knew too.


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