Chapter One: The Boy Named Tanjiro

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Demons don't exist

Demons...don't exist

Demons.....don't..... exist



Nezuko held onto her brother's arm and pulled him along the hall of the apartment building.

"Does it look nice, Nezuko? It smells pretty good." A small smile arose on the boy's face.

Nezuko didn't answer, she rarely spoke nowadays. And because Tanjiro was blind, this sadden him. Not only was he robbed of his sight but his sister never spoke to him.

Tanjiro frowned a bit. "Maybe we'll leave flowers on the doorsteps of our neighbors." He said quietly.

Nezuko stopped and turned to Tanjiro behind her. She shifted her bamboo muzzle and leaned in, hugging Tanjiro.

Tanjiro froze, his hands slowly held Nezuko. His soft eyes watered until they flowed like waterfalls.

Suddenly the sound of a shutting door startled the two siblings and they pulled apart.

A figure shuffled down the hall, the person wore a boar head hood of some sort. Their face was not visible though.

Nezuko grabbed Tanjiro's hand and tugged him, warning him of the approaching person. The person bumped into Tanjiro with slight aggression.

"Tch." A quiet grunt could be heard by the passerby. Tanjiro hummed and smiled. "My apologies!" He called out, though he didn't necessarily had to.

The person turned back to Tanjiro briefly before continuing to walk down the hall.

Nezuko narrowed her eyes at the person before turning to unlock the apartment door.

Home sweet hone

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