Extra: Takaharu and his Grandfather

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"I see..." Takaharu held a hand to his chin. "Do you mind if we take them?....I think I have an idea of where they'd both want to be..." Takaharu asked.

Tamayo smiled. "Go ahead. I'm sure Inosuke would be pleased to see you again. Both of you." She bowed. "Inosuke's fate was very unfortunate but....I'm sure he didn't suffer..." Yushiro said.

Takaharu lifted Inosuke's body up. "He held this boy's hand so I suppose he's important!" Takaharu smiled. "Inosuke was never the type to let people touch him." Takaharu's grandfather said. "He'd either bite you or threaten to kill ya." The old man said.

"Before he...um..." Yushiro halted. "He also threatened me. But I could tell it was because of Tanjiro. He cared for Tanjiro deeply." He said. "Nezuko." Takaharu said. "You are Nezuko, yes?" He looked at the girl with a soft expression.

"You know where Tanjiro wants to be....right?" Takaharu asked. Nezuko let go of Tamayo's hand and walked over to Tanjiro. She felt the boy's cheek before lifting him up.

Takaharu smiled sadly, turning back to Tamayo. "Thank you..." He said bowing to Tamayo.

Tamayo bowed back. "It's nothing." She said quietly.


Inosuke pulled away from Tanjiro. "Tanjiro....even though I'm with you..." He stared into the boy's eyes. "I feel incomplete..." He said. Tanjiro's expression saddened. "What do you m--"

"Inosuke?" A voice called out. Inosuke quickly turned around, seeing a woman standing there. She wore a white dress, had long black hair and dazzling green eyes. Inosuke broke into tears. "I....I....." He let go of Tanjiro and ran over to the woman. "Mom!" He cried. "Mom!!" He cried louder. The woman kneeled down and hugged Inosuke tightly.

Tears formed in Tanjiro's eyes. "I-Inosuke...." He walked over to the two. He fell onto Inosuke and hugged him along with the woman.

"Onii-san!!!" Children's voices could be heard in the distance. Tanjiro looked over, seeing his mother, father, his two brothers and his sister, Hanako. Tanjiro's eyes widened as tears flowed like waterfalls.

"Shigeru, Hanako, Takeo, Rakuta.....mother.....father...." Tanjiro opened his arms and wept as his family ran over to him and hugged him tightly. Inosuke's mother hugged Inosuke, while Inosuke hugged Tanjiro and while Tanjiro received hugs from his beloved family.

"Don't worry, Nezuko....they will love on as long as you think about them..."

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