Chapter 13

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Alexandra Grey's POV

"Lexi.. Lexi.. Wake up.. Alexandra..! Wake up"

I opened my eyes and stared at a set of brown eyes. I said, " Blake! What happened?".

He smiled and replied, " nothing happened. Now come let's have dinner . We are in the pack territory. It will at least take an hour to reach the pack house."

I said an Oh and got out of the car. I saw a diner in front of me.

I went inside at sat in a sofa near the window. Blake came and sat opposite of me. We both ordered.

I asked Blake, " Tell me about your pack"

He said, " Well.. My pack is Blood Moon pack. I'm the Alpha and Elliott is the beta with Ash being the Beta female. Nate is the gamma, his mate is Nina. He found her a month ago when we were visiting Silver pack. Then..everyone trains everyday except children below 10 years, pregnant women and people above the age of 60. But it depends as some old men want to train so we don't force them to train. "

The waiter came and gave our food.

Blake continued," everyone live in the pack house except some who want their privacy so they move into one of the houses that is a 2 minute walk from the pack house. The Alpha, beta and gamma stay in the top floor. In the first floor is filled with pack warriors, pack members. In the ground floor we have the kitchen and living room. Next to this we have a small mansion where there is a gym, library, games room along with the Alpha, Beta and Gamma's office "

I asked him," Pack hospital? "

He replied," It is a 5 min walk from the pack house "

I said," Ohh okay ". I was about to ask him another question, his phone started ringing. He attended the call and started speaking," I will be there tomorrow morning .....yes I will attend the meeting myself.... No..."

He cut the call and sighed. I saw the time and it was 10 o'clock at night.

We heard some laughter outside and saw some teenage boys , I smelled the air and they were werewolves. They were not rogues. But there were humans also in that group.

I went outside and waited near the car. The boys were standing near car. I just hugged myself and waited for Blake.

One of the human looked around and saw me. He smirked. He turned towards me and said gaining attention from all of his friends, " What is a beautiful girl like you doing all alone here?"

I chose to ignore him. I moved away and stood but he still came near me. I tucked my loose hair behind my ear and said, " Waiting for my boyfriend".

Before he can ask question, a blonde haired boy who is a werewolf stopped him, " Leave her alone Grayson"

The human who I think is Gray still smirking said, " Why Elijah ? Is it wrong to talk to her?"

The blonde boy growled lowly but none of the humans can hear it. Only the werewolves heard can hear it as it was not audible to them.

All the werewolves turned to him and asked him to calm down. A boy who had brown hair whispered to him but I can still hear it, " What happened Elijah? Why are you growling?"

The human who was smirking at me asked me now, " Well.. You said you have a boyfriend. Where is he?"

Before I could answer, Blake came. He came near me and said, " Any problem Lexi?"

I said, " No.. No problem "

He saw who all were here around us. I saw that all the werewolves face showed fear and all of them were trying to silently go.

Alpha's rejected mateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora