Chapter 20

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After half an hour, we reached Lucy's diner, even though it was nearly three in the noon, it was crowded. Most people were from school, as the school was a five-minute walk and the packhouse was a ten-minute walk.

On Sundays, it was even crowded. Students mostly use the diner as a place to finish projects or for club meetings.

Being here brings me a lot of memories. As I didn't have any friends except Britney, we usually hanged out here. I would listen to rambling about Dylan or clothes she bought.

Spencer parked the car nearby and Blake opened the door for me. When we entered the diner, it became silent. Everyone stared at us, and I felt uncomfortable. Even though I'm used to having attention, this was different.

My ex-pack mates were staring. After a few seconds, people started minding their own business. I sighed, Blake took my hand and led to me an empty table, "Come on"

The minute we sat, I mumbled to him," It's so weird...and awkward" He just laughed, "You know, you can't escape"

I just pouted, our conversation was cut short when the waitress came.

She chirped, "What can I get you both?"

I let Blake order for me while I went to use the restroom. It was occupied. When the girl came out, I was surprised.

Diana. Britney and she were frenemies and she was one of my bullies. When she came out, she bumped me, she turned around and furrowed her eyebrows," Have we met? You like kind of familiar"

"I don't think so. Excuse me", with that I went inside the restroom. I once again sighed, I never taught someone would recognise me. I have changed a lot. My eyes were much brighter and my hair darker. Well a little more changes, I started wearing makeup.

After finishing my business, I went and sat. Blake was on phone again, I rolled my eyes at him, typical Blake. I should have known he was working. Again.

When the food came, I thanked the waitress. "Lexi? Aiden is on line"

I grinned and said, "Aiden! Where are you?"

He laughed and said, "I'll be there before you know. So, I heard from Blake you were stubborn...Alex, there is no need for you to be there...I mean it's hard on you-"

"Stop it A! Both of you are forcing me to go back, then I will go. It's clear that I'm not wanted here."

I heard him sigh and Elina scolding him, "Sorry Alex.....I didn't mean it like that...I'm sorry...Will you forgive me, baby sis? "

I smiled at Blake who was clearly hearing this conversation, with his eyes showing concern, "Don't worry Aid...I'm not mad at you. I forgive you. You do know that I love you?"

"I know. I love you too, we will be there in by nine ..Don't worry", with that he cut the call.

Blake took my hand in his and said, "I love you"

I replied, "I love you too. Now eat"

After we finished eating, Blake paid the bill and I went out for fresh air. I saw Spencer talking with some people, but when he saw me, he said something to his friends which made them stare at me and then he went to the car.

When Blake came out of the diner, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead.

"Blake, I met someone who I knew and almost recognised me", I confessed to him.

He said," What?"

I continued, "It was Diana...She and Britney were frenemies" I didn't have time to continue as the car came. Spencer opened the door for me.

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