Chapter 30 - The Belly Of The Beast (II)

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Decker had to check his implant every few minutes, but he was able to successfully give the impression that he knew where he was going as he led the way back towards the security corridor.

As they went the woman's expression grew more and more concerned.

"Where is your supervisor's office anyway? We're not heading to the executive offices. This is, like, how you get to the exterior."

"No it isn't," said Decker, dismissively.

The woman stopped.

"Yes," she said, crossing her arms, "it is."

Decker stopped too.

"I suppose technically, sure, it is the route you would take the get to the exterior ring. It is also the route to my boss's office. It's just up here a little way."

The woman didn't say anything, but her arms remained crossed.

"Do you want to use the network terminal or not?" asked Decker. "I'm doing you a favor here. I'm just as happy to get back to my other work."

"No," said the woman. "No, I need access to that terminal."

"Then walk with me just a few more steps," said Decker, and he just started walking.

The woman hurried after him.

Decker was trying his best to stay cool. This woman was clearly suspicious. He wasn't going to be able to get her through the security corridor as easily as he hoped.

Decker found a door that looked like it led to a private office and willed it open. It did so without demanding any further security codes. Lucky.

"There," said Decker. "After you."

The woman walked inside. Decker hoped there was no one else in there as he followed. There wasn't. He tried not to look visibly relieved.

"There's no one here," said the woman, tersely, glaring at the empty desk. "Didn't you signal ahead? And this isn't a security office who are-"

Decker came up from behind before she could turn around and snapped the 'trodes to the sides of the woman's head. The door slid shut. Decker caught her in time to break her fall as she almost immediately lost her footing.

Decker gently laid her on the floor.

Sprell. This wasn't good. How was he supposed to get her through the security corridor unconscious? He didn't think the drunk excuse was going to fly over there.

Decker paced back and forth looking at the unconscious woman. This felt wrong on every level, but it was too late to start making evaluations of that kind now. The greater good probably, hopefully, demanded that he somehow get this poor woman out of this place, and basic human decency demanded that he do so without harming her...

...worse than he already had.

Decker continued to pace. The second the security drones saw him carrying someone they were going to start asking questions. He might have to just take his chances with them.

Decker heard the distinctive sound of a force-field knocking on a door. A drone. Sprell. That was all he needed.

Decker willed the door open halfway, stepped through, and then willed it shut. Two red-eyed security drones were waiting for him.

There was a beat of silence as both drones obviously subjected Decker to a silent DNA scan.

"Mr. Vega," said the drone on the right.

"Is one of you the drone that was giving me a hard time before? You all wear the same casing I can't tell you apart."

"We are not," said the left drone. "The reason you were being given a 'hard time' by security is because you were engaged in suspicious behavior. It has been reported that you were talking about secret security clearances."

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