Chapter 37 - Hit Them Where It Hurts

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Bright-Moon-Hills brought up a map on one of the computer screens. Through the dead pixels Aranarth and Decker could see the situation as it was the last time reliable information had been gathered. Important military installations and population centers were all marked with various symbols that the rangers' implants translated for them.

"So what do you suppose your next move is?" asked Aranarth.

"My people are preparing for an attack at this very moment," Bright-Moon-Hills boasted. "We have split into smaller groups to stay mobile but we will come together for a coordinated strike in two days time. We're going to assault the garrison here."

Bright-Moon-Hills unraveled one of his many-jointed fingers and touched the screen with it.

"At the second largest population center?" asked Aranarth.

"Yes," confirmed Bright-Moon-Hills.


"It is our home. Why else would we fight?"

"It's a waste of time and lives. You're not in a position to hold that territory. The gug-gug-gugs will just send reinforcements to take it back. From here, here and here."

Aranarth indicated on the map where the reinforcements would quickly be deployed from.

"They will have to kill us first!" insisted Bright-Moon-Hills.

"Don't worry, they will," said Aranarth. "This is a ridiculous plan. Did Ranger Helios approve this?"

"Ranger Helios is not our leader," said Bright-Moon-Hills, bristling.

"I didn't think so."

"The land is ours. We cannot allow the enemy to simply take it from us!"

"You're right. And the only way to get your land back is to defeat the enemy. Not the other way around. Do you understand now?"


"Look," said Aranarth, pointing at a symbol on the map. "See this large centralized solar farm? That's in striking distance of this safe house. The gug-gug-gugs don't have the technology to build one of those here with local materials, and they can't get any ships close enough to the planet to resupply. Take that thing out and they can't build a new one. Take that thing out and you hurt them."

"Solar farm?" asked Bright-Moon-Hills. "What do you mean with this term? How does one farm the sun? You mean the light catchers?"

"Whatever you call it, the thing indicated by this symbol right here."

"I know the device you speak us. They use it to power their fliers. You say they can't rebuild it?"

"They can't. And without it their ability to project force into the desert will be greatly diminished."

"Ranger Helios never mentioned any of this."

"Her skills lie elsewhere," said Aranarth, although he couldn't believe Helios didn't think of this herself.

"I will gather the others and tell them your plan. It has my support," said Bright-Moon-Hills.

He clapped his shoulders in respect.

* * *

For a day and a night messengers traveled back and forth between hidden safe houses. The Kinship leaders talked among themselves and agreed there was wisdom in the ranger's words. They changed the target of their attack to the light catcher.

"I hope you understand my squire and I can't participate in the battle," said Aranarth. "By the laws of our people we shouldn't be here at all. It wouldn't be in anyone's interests if we got caught."

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