The Test

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A door slammed closed, startling Artemis. He stood up as a Faro, a Dalmar, and a Xanar approached.

"Good afternoon Captain," the Dalmar said, holding out a hand.

A blue bracer rested on her forearm, and Artemis shook her hand before throwing an uncertain salute.

The Dalmar chuckled, her chocolate fur shaking.

"Relax Captain," the Faro laughed. "We're a relaxed bunch here. It tends to make new recruits more willing to join when you don't bite their heads off immediately."

A necklace dangled from his neck, also blue. He shook Artemis' hand, a twinkle in his eye. He shared a similar colour to Reinard, though he had hints of a brown running through his body.

"I am Seeker Eitaro. This is Commander Dorail and Commander Nidara," he said, motioning to the Xanar and the Dalmar in turn. "I am assuming you do not seek testing for yourself?"

"No Seeker," Artemis said, motioning toward Elias. "This is my ward, Elias. He is the one who needs testing."

The neko cringed as five sets of eyes settled on him.

"A little shy hmm?" the Xanar spoke, his deep voice surprisingly gentle.

Nonetheless, Artemis noticed Elias' ears flatten in displeasure.

"Hey, we talked about this," he said quietly to the neko in his own tongue. "He won't harm you."

Commander Dorail switched his gaze to Artemis, and Elias relaxed slightly as the Xanar's attention left him.

"Has he had run-ins with Xanar before? He does not appear to take kindly to my speech."

"Yes, Commander. He was kidnapped by a Xanar slaver in Asla. There was some difficulty in recovering him, and it has left him with a fear of your people. One I am working to remove."

"Does he understand Common?"

"Yes Commander, though he does not speak it yet. He is learning, though, given his preference for silence, I also have him learning sign language."

The Xanar nodded in understanding, turning back to Elias.

"Elias, do you mind if I talk to you by yourself? I promise your friend Captain... er..."

"Artemis," the tiger provided, and Dorail flashed him a quick smile.

"I promise Captain Artemis will be right here waiting."

Elias looked at Artemis fearfully. The tiger reached over and ruffled his hair lightly.

"You'll be okay. I promise," he said.

Slowly, Elias nodded. Artemis handed Dorail the chip with Elias' language on it and the Xanar led the neko through a door.

"So Captain, why don't we have a seat and you can tell us more about Elias," Nidara smiled, motioning to the chairs.

"Excuse me ser, can I help you?"

Reinard jumped as an old black Faro approached the other side of the gate, a pair of shears in his hands.


The Faro squinted.

"Where did you hear that name?"

Reinard grinned.

"It is you! It's me, Reinard!"

Eigal's eyes widened.

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