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Elias flattened himself against a branch as a howl pierced the silence of the forest. They were coming for him; they had his scent.


Looking up, the neko saw Artemis sitting perfectly balanced on the branch. Letting out a cry, he threw himself at the tiger, his arms wrapping around Artemis.

"You're okay. They can't hurt you," the tiger whispered, stroking his hair, calming him. "They aren't real."

"Y-you're real...?"

Artemis chuckled quietly.

"You're asleep kitten. Everything you see is under your control. It has been this whole time. I'm as real as you want me to be, and I am entirely under your command.."

He was in a dream? Then Artemis wasn't real...

Elias climbed into the tiger's lap, nestling into Artemis' fur. He was safe...

An itch grew in his arm, and Elias reached to scratch it.

"Hold on a second. I'll get that out for you."

The neko's eyes opened blearily. He was laying flat on his back in a white room, Artemis nowhere in sight.

Elias' head whipped around, and he found the Dalmar holding his arm. A small pad was pressing into his arm, a red dot in the middle of it.

"You're safe," the Dalmar said, removing the pad. "There, all better."

He felt better. There were no scratches on his body and no more pain in his arm.

"Hey kitten."

And there he was. Artemis stood against the wall, watching Elias nervously.

"I'll give you two a moment," Nidara smiled, walking around the corner.

The tiger walked toward Elias slowly.

"I am so proud of you," he whispered, setting his hands on the side of the pod.

Elias reached out cautiously, setting his hand on Artemis'. No matter how many times the tiger assured him it was okay to touch him, he was still nervous doing it. Even with Artemis' tail sending some pretty strong signals.

"I dreamt about you," the neko realised.

"I know," Artemis admitted. "I watched the whole thing. Do you want me to hold you like that?"

There was a moment's hesitation, then the neko nodded. Artemis' hands scooped under his torso, lifting him into the air. The tiger cradled Elias against his chest, holding him close.

"I didn't like watching what they put you through," he said, sitting against the wall.

Elias wrapped an arm around Artemis' neck, resting his head on the tiger as he curled up.

"The stick thing..." the neko murmured. "I didn't..."

Artemis smiled, stroking Elias' hair.

"It's called a compass. There are things called magnets, and the needle on the compass points toward the closest magnet. Usually, that means the ends of a planet."

They sat quietly for a minute, enjoying the closeness.

"Do you know something Elias?" Artemis said quietly.

The neko gazed at him with eyes laden with sleep.

"We can do this any time you want. All you have to do is ask."

The Neko's Tail (Book 2 of Astara)Where stories live. Discover now