Chapter 2

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~Where am I?~

Lauren's POV

I felt dizzy and I had a really bad headache.
I opened my eyes just to see that I wasn't home.

I was in a what seemed like a basement.

There were things all around the floor and a table with a few chairs.

I started to become conscious of my surroundings and the situation I was in.

I was tied on a chair with my hands behind my back.
I had a cloth tied over my mouth and my legs were all tied up aswell.

The last thing I remember was me going back home,hearing footsteps and then passing out.

Was I kidnapped?

No way.

This is a dream.

I felt piercing pain through my head as my headache got worse.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and shuddered at the thought of what could happen next.

I flinched at the sight.

There were two men with black masks over their head,that were showing only their eyes and mouth.

One guy walked a little closer to me while the other one flipped one of the chairs so he could sit on it while resting his arms on the back of it.

I mumbled and moved around as I tried to speak and show how unhappy I was to be here.

Why would they care,though?

I felt chills sent down my spine as the guy closer to me spoke.

"Woah there,princess,we just wanted to say hi" he said smirking.

I made a 'duh' face gesturing to the cloth wrapped around my mouth and I couldn't speak.

"Oh,right,I forgot." he said as he came closer and took it off.

"What the hell?!Why are you keeping me here?!What do you want?!" I screamed as I moved my legs and hands around trying to free myself.

"Feisty." the guy closer to me whispered.

I screamed with all my power hoping someone would hear me.

"You wouldn't wanna ruin that beautiful voice of yours,princess,now would you." he said "All of the walls are soundproof,there's no purpose."

Dang it.

I gave up on yelling.

I stopped moving as I started to feel pain from the knots getting even tighter from me moving around.

That's gonna leave a bruise.

"Why don't you stop moving and we can talk?" the guy said as if kidnapping was nothing.

"Why the hell would I want to talk to you?" I said "You kidnapped me for Christs sake and you're keeping me in this shitty basement." I basically yelled at him.

"Hey!" he said angrily "The basement looks completely fine and I kidnapped you so you better keep your mouth shut!"

The guy sitting on the chair just sat there and starred at me.

I could feel his gaze piercing through me.

You could see bleached strands of hair with purple tips escaping his mask.

I couldn't get my eyes off of him.

It felt as if somethimg was pulling my glare towards him and not letting me look away.

"Hey!" the other guy said clapping his hands in front of my face "I brought you here for a reason,so listen up."

I looked up at him and felt a wave of fear and nervousness pass through me.

"I know you and your little happy family have a lot of money on you and I bet your parents would be more than happy to pay for their 'beloved child'." he said puckering out his bottom lip and using a baby voice at the last two words.

"Leave my parents out of this!" I screamed at him.

"Oh,but they're already in." he said giving me an evil smile and turned his phone to face me.

A really audible gasp escaped my mouth as I was shocked by the sight on the screen.

My parents.

Kidnapped ~Noen Eubanks~Where stories live. Discover now