L.J. & L.Jill

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"What's up fuckers!"

I am eating a sandwich on the couch randomly pushing crumbs under the couch. L.Jill broke down the door with a chainsaw. I noticed that Offender is still skimming through the channels. It is cold and rainy out, so cold we are getting warnings of snow. I lit the fire place, Sally and Lazari have gotten much better and are playing ponies.

I continue to eat my sandwich as Jill walks over the broken door pieces all over the floor. I swallow the bite I had and clear my throat.

"How long have you been in that closet?"

"How long is the Hamilton play directed by that handsome man Lin Miranda?"

"Two hours?"

"That long."

I hum and take another bite. She smiles and yanks me up. That hurts the stitches on my back. My face is normal again but I will have ugly scars on my back.

"Come on! I have an idea that will show L.J. I love him!"

I groan as she drags me upstairs. We should invest in an elevator. Once we get to the top of the stairs I realize I put my sandwich down on the coffee table.

When I get downstairs I don't see my sandwich.

"What happened to my sandwich!"

"You ate it."

Offender replies skipping T.V. shows.

"Did I?"

"Yes you fat ass."

I frown and grab the handle on the chair he is laying in.

"Relax won't ya? Ya dick head."

I yank on it really hard shooting him backwards he rolls and lands on his feet.


"Oh yeah that body part I have that is larger than yours."

He sits back down and turns his head to me.

"Oh Babe, you wouldn't say that if you were to be a cowgirl."

"Well no, because cowgirls have the biggest dicks ever."

I shrug as I innocently dodge that statement. I go back upstairs. L. Jill collected a handful of girls and was teaching us all a dance to the song Helpless. I was told not to sing because the focus is on her. All I am to do is to be the side dancer. She gives us all a color, Jane wears purple, Clockwork take the blue, Nina wears green, Sadie wears yellow, I put on the red skirt and we are all wearing monochrome tub tops that make our boobs look good.

"I look good!"

Sally walks out wearing orange and Lazari wears pink. Jill has us all wear our hair in long straight ponytails. She makes everyone else go into the living room. They are all in human form as demanded by Jill, other people from out of town walk into the livingroom. Like The Extraordinary Gentlemen. Some Reapers. Red clan, people who are paid assisans. Then there are the 7 killers. They kill with one of the seven deadly sins. Gross.

Jill takes center and we all stand behind her in a V formation. She starts singing and we back her up. We all hated this and only did it so she would stop. When she started singing helpless we put our hands over our head and shook our hips in rhythm. The lights go from each of us but the one always stay on Jill.

She walks down to the audience and the girls and I land on our knees and whip our head over our right shoulder. I see glowing eyes. Blue eyes.

I feel him watching me as I spin in a circle smiling bigger. I shake my hips more and then landed in the splits with Jane who was at the opposite end. Then everyone started to clap as we started doing the rockettes.

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