Who Stole The Cookies!?

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"Okay time for me to get you back for shooting me in the shoulder."

"We are even, you shot me in the infirmary!"

He tries to shake me off but I have my feet and arms wrapped around him. My gun is pressed to his temple and he is trying to throw me off. I let go with my arms and throw myself backwards then swing my body to the side. So Hoodie is thrown to the floor and I am sitting on his gut. My gun is in his face.

Hoodie swipes my left arm with his right throwing the gun out of my left to my right. He strikes me in the stomach and rolls us and he strangles me with one arm while holding my armed hand down. I force my left arm into the crook of his right arm. He falls and I headbutt him. I roll on top of him, he kicks my head from the back and I fall down. I aim the gun and pull the trigger.

We both sigh as the click echos in the barren room. Masky claps from the side and walks up with a slight smirk on his face.

"Well done Rose. You always miss the kick though."

"You two are crazy flexible, pardon me for assuming."

"Never assume what an attacker or enemy will do. You must be prepared for the unexpected."

Masky pulls out a knife and throws it. I duck fast and it lands in the wall behind me. I exhale in relief.

"Little slow Rose. You'll get better."

I hum and pop my back. Hoodie and Masky got up early this morning and helped me with breakfast. Then they took my in here to work out. It is a decent sized room filled with exercise equipment. There was a mirror but it is so broken it puts a jigsaw puzzle to shame.

They have been trying to get me to be super flexible and able to kill. I am not allowed to kill for it would drive me insane. Look at everyone here. I sigh in pain, of course.

I walk to my water bottle and tie my shoe. I have gotten leaner working with them but I have been neglecting my abs workout. I sigh and dump water on my face. Masky smokes a cigarette casually lifting weights, not even breaking a sweat while spotting for Hoodie who is wearing an orange tank top and his mask.

I hum and drink my water.

"Okay guys my cookies should be done by now. I will go and check them out, enjoy your work out."

Hoodie throws his weights up and sits up quickly and give me a hug then continues his weights. Masky nods politely and I do it back. I unlock the door and lock the doorknob so I can lock other people out.

I walk to the kitchen. My sports bra with a loose tank top and spandex pants. Smiles trots over to me.

"Mmm so Rose! I smelt peanut butter cookies. That sound mighty good. Right now."

"Are you trying to not so discreetly tell me you want a peanut butter cookie?"


I laugh and walk into the kitchen. I freeze when I look at all of the empty trays where all of my cookies were.


I walk out take a breath and walk back in to see the same sad sight.


I grab some of the trays and throw them into the sink. I look around for people but I don't see any which makes them ALL guilty. Little weasels!

I march upstairs and glare into every bedroom. EACH AND EVERY PERSON HAS COOKIE IN THEIR MOUTH!

I throw open Slender's office doorway. He holds his head in one hand and is writing with the other. Papers are scattered everywhere. He has his suit coat off and has his long sleeved white shirt rolled up at the sleeves. He sets his pen down and looks up to me.

"Rose, you do know how to knock. You should use that ability."

"They ate all of the cookies and treats I had spent all morning baking!"

"Rose, you baked the treats for the mansion, am I correct?"

"Yes and no! Some of those are dog treats and I even poisoned some for your idiot brothers."

"Well, we all must make sacrifices," he turn human and brings up a sugar cookie to his lips from his lap,"do you understand Rose?"

I lock my jaw and glare at him.

"Suck an ouef old man."

Ouef means egg in French, jolust sos ya know.

"Oh Rose, ne parle pas une langue que tu ne connais pas."

"Oh shove it up your rear end and serve it to the Gods."

I slam his office door shut as I hear his mocking chuckles. I stop when Offender stops infront of me. He has a handful of an assortment of cookies. And a Christmas tin full of them too. I scream out at him and chase him down he eats the cookies and laughs at me.

"Didn't know you were the type to chase Flow-"

A loud crack sounds. I huff and look at Masky and Hoodie standing there with a baseball bat. Offender lies on the ground unmoving my cookies are all over the floor.

"Thanks guys, is he dead?"

"No it takes more than a metal bat to keep him out."

"Bummer, how long do we have?"

"Thirty minutes or so."

I walk into the kitchen and collect surranwrap. We wrap him up, and the boys throw him in the spare bedroom.

"Well, gotta watch all of them make the snack food. Movie boys?"

"Sounds good."

Masky and Hoodie sit on the couch with me and we watch movies while everyone runs.

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